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Thư mục để tham khảo (Trần Chung Ngọc)


Trần Chung Ngọc


28 tháng 5, 2009
bổ túc 14 Dec 2010


LTS: Đây là thư mục của GS Trần Chung Ngọc, những quyển sách mà ông đã xem qua. Theo lời giới thiệu đến tòa soạn, ông nói: "Có nhiều cuốn tôi đã đọc hết từ đầu đến cuối, có những cuốn tôi chỉ dùng một số đề mục liên quan đến đề tài tôi viết. Tôi muốn chia sẻ vói bạn đọc để tiện việc nghiên cứu." GS Trần Chung Ngọc đã gửi ra nhiều lần, nên có thể có những quyển trùng nhau trong các danh sách. Độc giả có thể bấm vào đây để xem lời tòa soạn mời dịch. Bài nào đã có bản dịch hoặc có người cho biết sẽ dịch thì được đánh dấu hoa hồng phía sau.

Các sách vỡ đã tham khảo, giới thiệu đến độc giả để nghiên cứu:

1 Aarons, Mark $ Loftus, John,  Unholy Trinity: "How The Vatican's Nazi Networks Betrayed  Western Intelligence to the Soviets",  St. Martin's Press, New York, 1991.
2 Abbott, Walter M., The Documents of Vatican II",An Angelus Book, New York, 1966.
3 Akerley, Ben Edward,  The X-Rated Bible: An Irreverend Survey of Sex in The Scriptures",AA Press, Austin, Texas, 1989
4 Angeles, Peter A., Critiques of God: Making The Case Against Belief In God",Prometheus Book, New York, 1997.
5 Alves, Rubem, Protestantism and Repression",Orbis Books, New York, 1979
6 Armstrong,  Karen,  1. A History of God",Ballantine Books, New York, 1993; 2. In The Beginning: A New Interpretation of Genesis",Alfred A. Knoff, New York, 1996.
7 Aterin, Karl Otmar Von, The Papacy and the Modern World", Weidenfeld & Nicolson,  London, 1970
8 Au, William A., The Cross, The Flag, and The Bomb", Praeger, New York, 1987.
9 Baigent, Michael & Leigh, Richard & Lincoln, Henry, Holy Blood, Holy Grail",A Dell Book, New York, 1983;
10 Baigent, Michael & Leigh, Richard & Lincoln, Henry, The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception",Summit Books, New York, 1991.
11 Baigent, Michael & Leigh, Richard & Lincoln, Henry,  The Messianic Legacy",A Dell Book, New York, 1986.
12 Bainton, Roland H., Christian Attitudes Toward War & Peace",Abingdon Press, Nashville, 1986.
13 Baldwin, Louis, The Pope and  the Mavericks",Prometheus Books, New York, 1988.
14 Ball, W. P., Foote, G. W. et al..., The Bible Handbook", AA Press, Austin, Texas, 1986.
15 Bays, Jack,  The Gospel of Love, Truth Seeker",San Diego, CA., 1942;
16 Bays, Jack, The Gospel of Love Vs Crime, Truth Seeker", San Diego, CA., 1942;
17 Bays, Jack, The Shadow of the Deamon, Truth Seeker",San Diego, CA., 1943.
18 Beeson, Trevor & Pearce, Jenny, A Vision of Hope: The Churches and Change in Latin America",Fortress Press, Philadelphia, 1984
19 Bello, Nino Lo , The Vatican Empire",Triden Press, New York, 1968.
20 Berry, Jason, Lead Us Not To Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Abuse of Children",Doubleday, New York, 1992
21 Berryman, Phillip, Liberation Theology", Pantheon Books, New York, 1987
22 Bhushan, Shashi, Fundamentalism: A Weapon Against Human Aspiration, Pradeep Kumar, India, 1986
23 Binns, L. Elliott, The Decline and Fall of the Medieval Papacy, Barnes & Nobles Books, New York, 1995.
24 Blanshard, Paul, 1. American Freedom and Catholic Power, Beacon Press, Boston, 1950;
25 Blanshard, Paul,  Communism, Democracy, and Catholic Power,  Beacon Press, Boston, 1951
26 Boff, Leonardo,  1. Church: Charism & Power,  Crossroad, New York,  1986;   2.   Faith   on  the  Edge,   Orbis  Books, New York, 1989
27 Bringas, Ernie, Going By The Book: Past and Present Tragedies of Biblical Authority, Hampton Roads Pub. Co.,  VA., 1996
28 Brown, Michael L., Our Hands Are Stained With Blood: The Tragic Story of the "Church" and the Jewish People, Destiny Image Pub., 1992.
29 Burkett, Elinor & Bruni, Frank, A Gospel of Shame: Children, Sexual Abuse, and the Catholic Church, Viking, New York, 1993
30 Bussmann, Clauss, Who Do You Say? Jesus Christ in Latin American Theology, Orbis Book, New York, 1985.
31 Cairns, D. S., The Faith That Rebels: A Re-Examination of the Miracles of Jesus, Doubleday, New York 1928.
32 Chamberlin, E. R., The Bad Popes, A Signet Book, New York, 1969.
33 Chu Bằng Lĩnh, Đảng Cần Lao, NXB Mẹ Việt Nam, CA., 1993.
34 Chu Văn Trình, 1. Gia Tô Thực Dân Sử Liệu, Florida, 1990;
35 Chu Văn Trình, Sách Lược GiaTô Thực Dân Thống Trị Toàn Cầu, Florida, 1990;
36 Chu Văn Trình,  GiaTô Thực Dân Chính Sử, Florida, 1993;
37 Chu Văn Trình,  Gián Điệp Alexandre de Rhodes và Chữ Quốc Ngữ, Florida, 1996.
38 Cao Huy Thuần, Les Missionaires et la Politique Coloniale Francaise au Vietnam (1857-1914), Yale Southeast Asia Studies, 1990. (Đạo Thiên Chúa và Chủ Nghĩa Thực Dân Tại Việt Nam, Hương Quê, Cali., 1988)
39 Carmichael, Joel, "The Birth of Christianity: Reality and Myth", Dorset Press, New York, 1989.
40 Cavendish, Richard, "Mythology: An Illustrated Encyclopedia", Barnes & Nobles Books, New York, 1993
41 Coleman, Richard J., "Issues of Theological Warfare: Evangelicals and Liberals", William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Michigan 1972.
42 Cornwell, John, Breaking Faith: The Pope, The People, and the Fate of Catholicism, Viking Compass, New York, 2001.
43 Cowie, Leonard W., The March of the Cross, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1962.
44 Cox, Harvey, 1."The Silencing of Leonardo Boff: The Vatican and the Future of World Christianity", Meyer-Stone Books, Oak-Park, IL., 1988;
45 Cox, Harvey, "Many Mansions: A Christian's Encounter With Other Faiths", Collins,  London, 1988;
46 Cox, Harvey, Military Chaplains: From a Religious Military to a Military Religion, Abingdon Press, 1971.
47 Cross, Colin, Who Was Jesus", Barnes & Nobles Books, New York, 1993.
48 Crossan, John Dominic, Who Killed Jesus?, Harper, San Francisco, 1996.
49 Croucher, Paul, Buddhism in Australia, 1848-1988, New South Vales University Press, AU., 1989
50 Daleiden, Joseph L., The Final Superstition: A Critical Evaluation of the Judeo-Christian Legacy, Prometheus Books, New York, 1994
51 Dalian, Robert, Dieu Contre Dieu, Édité par l'Homme Lucide, France, 1974
52 Davies, A. Powell, The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls, A Mentor Book, New York, 1956.
53 Davies, J. G., The Early Christian Church", Barnes & Nobles Books, New York, 1995.
54 Dawkins, Richard, The God Delusion, A Mariner Book, New York, 2006.
55 DeBlassie, Paul, Toxic Christianity, Crossroad, New York, 1992.
56 Đỗ Mạnh Tri, Ngón Tay và Mặt Trăng, Đường Sống xuất bản, Cali., 1997
57 Đỗ Mậu, Việt Nam Máu Lửa Quê Hương Tôi, Văn Nghệ Publishing Co., CA., 1993.
58 Đỗ Quang Hưng, Một Số Vấn Đề Lịch Sử Thiên Chúa Giáo ở Việt Nam, Đại Học Tổng Hợp Hà-Nội, 1991.
59 Ducey, Michael H., Outgrowing Catholicism, The Windhover Press, Madison, WI 1990
60 Dunn, Joseph, The Rest of Us Catholics: The Loyal Opposition, Templegate Publishers, Illinois, 1994.
61 Durant, Will & Ariel, The Age of Voltaire, MJF Books, New York, 1992
62 Eaton, Frederick Heese, Scandalous Saints, Own Pub., CA, 1994.
63 Ellerbe, Helen, The Dark Side Of Christian History, Morningstar and Lark, Orlando, 1999.
64 Ellul, Jacques, The Subversion of Christianity, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Michigan, 1986.
65 Ferm, Deane William, Third World Liberation Theologies, Orbis Book, New York, 1987
66 Flamini, Roland, Pope, Premier, President, McMilland Pub., New York, 1980.
67 Floyd, William, Christianity Cross-Examined, Arbitrator Press, New York, 1941.
68 Foner, Philip S., The Life and Major Writings of Thomas Paine, A Citadel Press Book, New York, 1993
69 Foote, G.W., Bible Romances, The Pioneer Press, London, 1922
70 Forest, Alain & Tsuboi, Yoshiharu, Catholicism et Sociétés Asiatiques, L'Harmattan, Tokyo, 1988
71 Fricke, Weddig., The Court-Martial of Jesus: A Christian Defends The Jews Against The Charge of Deicide, Grove Weidenfeld, New York, 1990.
72 Friedman, Richard Elliott, 1. Who Wrote The Bible?, Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, 1989;
73 Friedman, Richard Elliott, The Disappearance of God, Little, Brown & Co., New York, 1995
74 Funk, Robert W. & Hoover, Roy W. & The Jesus Seminar, The Five Gospels: What Did Jesus Say?,  Scribner, New York, 1996
75 Gaylor, Annie Laurie, Betrayal of Trust, Clergy Abuse of Children, Freedom from Religion Foundation, WI, 1988.
76 Gauvin, Marshall J., One Hundred Contradictions in the Bible, The Truth Seeker Company, New York, 1922
77 Gibbon, Edward, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Hartcourt, Brace and Company, New York 1960.
78 Graham, Lloyd M., Deceptions & Myths of the Bible, The Citadel Press Book, New York, 1995.
79 Granfield, Patrick, The Limits of the Papacy,  Crossroad, New York, 1990.
80 Greeley, Andrew M., 1. The Jesus Myth, Doubleday, New York, 1971; 2. The Catholic Myth, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1990.
81 Green, Ruth Hurmence, The Book of Ruth, Freedom From Religion Foundation, Wisconsin, 1982;
82 Green, Ruth Hurmence, The Born Again Skeptic's Guide to the Bible", Freedom From Religion Foundation, Wisconsin, 1979.
83 Greenleaf, Richard E., The Roman Catholic Church in Colonial Latin America, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1971
84 Guillemin, Henri, Malheureuse Église, Éditions Du Seuil, Paris, 1992
85 Hammer,   Richard,   The   Vatican   Connection,   Chanter Books,New York, 1983.
86 Hadden, Jeffrey K., Prophetic Religions & Politics, Paragon House, New York, 1986.
87 Hanson, Eric O., The Catholic Church in World Politics, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1987
88 Harris, Michael, Unholy Orders, Tragedy at Mount Cashel, Penguin Books Ltd., Middlesex,  England, 1990
89 Harwood, William, Mythology's Last Gods, Yahweh and Jesus, Prometheus Books, New York, 1992
90 Haught, James A., 2000 Years of Disbelief: Famous People With The Courage To Doubt, Prometheus Books, New York, 1996.
91 Hayes, Judith, The Happy Heretic, Prometheus Books, New York, 2000.
92 Hayward, F. H., Questions for Catholics: A Brief Inquiry Into The Catholic Argument, Watts & Co., London, 1928
93 Hebblethwaite, Peter, In The Vatican: How The Church is Run - Its Personalities, Traditions and Conflicts, Adler & Adler, Maryland, 1986.
94 Helms, Randel McCraw, Who Wrote The Gospels?, Millennium Press, CA, 1997.
95 Hitchens, Christopher, God Is Not Great, Hachette Book Group USA, New York, 2007.
96 Hitchcock, James, Catholicism & Modernity, Servant Books, Michigan, 1979.
97 Hobley, Leonard F., Christians and Christianity, Wayland Publishers, England, 1979.
98 Hoffer, Eric., The True Believer, Harper & Row, New York, 1966.
99 Hofmann, Paul, O Vatican! A Slightly Wicked View of the Holy See, Congdon & Weed, Inc., New  York, 1984.
100 Huxley, Julian, Religion Without Revelation, A Mentor Book, New York, 1957.
101 Hyers, Conrad, The Comic Vision and the Christian Faith, The Pilgrim Press, New York, 1981.
102 Ide, Arthur Frederick, Unzipped: The Popes Bare All, A Frank Study of Sex & Corruption in the Vatican, AA Press, TX, 1987.
103 Imbens, Annie & Jonker, Ineke, Christianity & Incest, Fortrss Press, MN, 1992.
104 Ingersoll, Robert G., 1. Some Mistakes of Moses, Freethought Press Association, New York, 1967;
105 John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, Alfred A. Knof, New York, 1994.
106 Jones, Cheslynn & Wainwright, Geoffrey & Yarnold, Edward, The Study of Lithurgy, Oxford University Press, New York, 1978.
107 Kasmar, Gene, All The Obscenities in the Bible, Kas-mark Pub., MN, 1995.
108 Kasper, Walter, The God of Jesus Christ, Crossroad, New York, 1986.
109 Kavanaugh, James, 1. A Modern Priest Looks at his Outdated Church, Pocket Books, New York, 1968;
110 Kavanaugh, James, God Lives: From Religious Fear To Spiritual Freedom, Steven J. Nash Pub., IL., 1993
111 Kavanaugh, James, The Birth of God, Pocket Book, New York, 1970
112 Kersten, Holger, Jesus Lived in India: His Unknown Life Before & After the Crucifixion, Element Books Limited, Rockport, MA., 1994.
113 Kersten, Holger & Gruber, Elmar R., 1. The Jesus Conspiracy: The Turin & The Truth About The Resurrection", Barnes & Nobles Books, New York, 1995
114 Kersten, Holger & Gruber, Elmar R., 1. The Original Jesus: The Buddhist Sources of Christianity, Element Books, Inc., Rockport, MA, 1995.
115 Kirvan, John J., The Infallibility Debate, The Missionary Society, New York, 1971.
116 Konakis, Gregory, Elaborations, A Self-Published Book, 1995
117 Kraft, Charles F., Genesis: Beginnings of the Biblical Drama, Board of Missions, New York, 1964.
118 Kung, Hans, 1. On Being A Christian, Wallaby, New York, 1978;
119 Kung, Hans, 2. Infallible? An Inquiry, Doubleday, New York, 1971.
120 Lamb, Helen B., Vietnam's Will To Live, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1972
121 Las Vergnas, Georges, Pourquoi J'ai Quitté L'Église Romaine, Imprimerie Les Comtois, Besancon, France 1956
122 Lê, Nicole-Dominique, Les Missions-Étrangères et la Pénétration Francaise au Viet-Nam, Mouton & Co., France, 1975.
123 Lea, Henry Charles, The Inquisition of the Middle Ages, Barnes & Nobles Books, New York, 1993.
124 Leclercq,  Jacques,   Christianity   and   Money,   Hawthorn Books, New York, 1960.
125 Lernoux, Penny, 1.Cry of the People, Penguin Books, New York, 1991;
126 Lernoux, Penny, People of God, Penguin Books, New York, 1989
127 Lewis, Joseph, 1.  Ingersoll: The Magnificent,  AA Press, Texas, 1983; 2. The Bible Unmasked, The Freethought Press Association, New York, 1941.
128 Lewis, Norman, The Missionaries: God Against The Indians, Penguin Books, New York, 1988.
129 Lorulot, André, 1. Les Secrets des Jésuites, Herblay, France, 1933;
130 Lorulot, André, Lourdes: La Vérité sur les Visions de Brenadette.  Le Mercantilisme de la Grotte, Herblay (Seine-et-Oie), France, 1933.
131 Lý Chánh Trung, Tôn Giáo và Dân Tộc, Lửa Thiêng, Saigon, 1973
132 Lynch, Christopher Owen, Selling Catholicism: Bishop Sheen and the Power of Television, The University Press of Kentucky, 1998.
133 Maccoby, Hyam, The Mythmaker: Paul and The Invention of Christianity", Barnes & Nobles, New York, 1986.
134 Manhattan, Avro, The Vatican's Holocaust, Ozark Books, Springfield, MO., 1986;
135 Manhattan, Avro, The Vatican Billions, Paravision Books, London, 1972;
136 Manhattan, Avro, Catholic Imperialism and World Freedom, Watts & Co., London, 1952
137 Manhattan, Avro, Vietnam Why Did We Go?,  Chick Publications, CA., 1984
138 Martin, Malachi, 1. The Keys to this Blood, A Touchtone Book, New York, 1990;
139 Martin, Malachi, Rich;Church, Poor Church, G.P. Putnam's Sons, New Yok, 1984.
140 Martin, Malachi, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Church, Bantam Books, New York, 1983;
141 Martin, Malachi, The Jesuits, The Society of Jesus, and The Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1987.
142 Martin, Michael, The Case Against Christianity, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 1991
143 Martin, Ralph, A Crisis of Truth: The Attack on Faith, Morality, and Mission in the Catholic Church, Servant Books, Michigan, 1982.
144 McCabe, Joseph, The Vatican's Last Crime: How The Black International Joined the World-Plot Against Freedom, Liberalism, and Democracy, Haldeman-Julius Co., Kansas, 1941;
145 McCabe, Joseph, Rome Puts the Blight on Culture: The Roman Church the Poorest in Cutlure and Richest in Crime, Haldeman-Julius Publications, Kansas 1942
146 McCabe, Joseph, The Church: The Enemy of the Workers.  Rome is the Natural Ally of All Exploiters, Haldeman-Julius Publications, Kansas 1942
147 McCabe, Joseph, The Truth About The Catholic Church, Haldeman-Julius Publications, Kansas, 1926
148 McCabe, Joseph, The Totalitarian Church of Rome: Its Fuehrer, Its Gauleiter, Its Gestapo, and Its Money-Box, Haldeman-Julius Publications, Kansas, 1942
149 McLeod, Mark W., The Vietnamese Response to French Intervention: 1862-1874, Praeger, New York, 1991
150 McLoughlin, Emmet, 1. American Culture and Catholic Schools, Lyle Stuart, Inc., New York, 1960;
151 McLoughlin, Emmet, People's Padre, Beacon Press, Boston, 1961;
152 McLoughlin, Emmet,  Letters to an Ex-Priest, Lyle Stuart, Inc., New York, 1965
153 Minerbi, Sergio I., The Vatican & Zionism, Oxford University Press, New York, 1990.
154 Monk, Maria, The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk: The Hidden Secrets Of Convent Life, Random House, London, 1997
155 Mott, George F. & Dee, Harold M., Middle Ages", Barnes & Nobles, New York, 1967.
156 Muggeridge, Malcom., The End of Christendom, W. B. Eerdmans Pub., Michigan, 1980.
157 Murphy, Paul I.,  La Popessa: The Controversal Biography of Sister Pascalina, The Most Powerful Woman in Vatican, Warner Books, New York, 1993.
158 Nguyễn Kha & Trần Chung Ngọc, Nguyễn Trường Tộ: Thực Chất Con Người và Di Thảo, Giao Điểm, Cali., 1998
159 Nguyễn Mạnh Quang, Việt Nam Đệ Nhất Cộng Hòa Toàn Thư: 1954-1963, Tác giả Tự xuất bản, Seattle, 1998.
160 Nguyễn Mạnh Quang, Thực Chất Của Giáo Hội La Mã, Tập 1 và 2, Tác giả tự xuất bản, Seattle, 1999.
161 Nguyễn Xuân Thọ, Histoire de la Pénétration Francaise au Viet Nam (1858-1897), Trung Tâm Văn Hóa Linh Sơn, HI., 1993
162 Nguyệt Đam & Thần Phong, Chín Năm Máu Lửa Dưới Chế Độ Gia Đình Trị Ngô Đình Diệm, Tác Giả Xuất Bản, Saigon, 1964.
163 Nichols, Peter,  The Politics of the Vatican, Frederick A. Praeger, Publishers, New York, 1968
164 Nickell, Joe, The Shroud of Turin, Prometheus Books, New York, 1983;
165 Nickell, Joe, Inquest on the Shroud of Turin, Prometheus Books, New York, 1987.
166 Obianyido, Anene, Christ or Devil? The Corrupt Face of Christianity in Africa, Delto Publications Limited, 1988
167 O'Brien, George Dennis, God and the New Haven Railway, and why Neither One is Doing Very Well, Beacon Press, Boston, 1986
168 O'Brien, John A., The White Harvest: A Symposium on Methods of Convert Making, The Newman Press, Maryland, 1952.
169 O'Connor, John., The People Versus Rome, Random House, New York, 1969.
170 O'Hair, Madalyn & John Murray, All The Questions You Ever Wanted To Ask American Atheists, AA Press, Austin, Texas, 1986.
171 Padchi, The Holy Humbugs, Arivagam, Sri Lanka.
172 Pagels, Elaine, The Gnostic Gospels, Random House, New York, 1979
173 Paris, Edmond, Genocide in Satellite Croatia: 1941-1945, The American Institute for Balkan Affairs, Chicago, 1961
174 Peters, Edward, Inquisition, The Free Press, New York, 1988.
175 Petersen, Norman R., Literary Criticism for New Testament Critics, Fortress Press, PA, 1978
176 Pettifer, Julian & Bradley, Richard, Missionaries, BBC Books, London, 1990.
177 Picknett, Lynn & Prince, Clive, Turin Shroud, In Whose Image? The Shocking Truth Unweiled, Bloomsbury, London, 1994.
178 Pigott, Adrian,  Freedom's Foe - The Vatican, The Pioneer Press, 1965
179 Plaidy, Jean, The Spanish Inquisition", Barnes & Nobles Books, New York, 1994
180 Rajneesh, B.S., Priests & Politicians: The Mafia of the Soul, The Rebel Publishing House, Cologne, Germany, 1987
181 Ranke-Heinemann, Uta, Eunuchs For The Kingdom of Heaven, Penguin Books,New York, 1991.
182 Ranke-Heinemann, Uta, Putting Away Childish Things, Harper-Collins Pub., San Francisco, 1995.
183 Rappoport, Angelo S., The Love Affairs of the Vatican or The Favorites of The Popes", Barnes & Nobles Books, New York, 1995
184 Rausch, David A., A Legacy of Hatred: Why Christians Must Not Forget the Holocaust, Moody Press, Chicago, 1984
185 Reese, Thomas J., In The Vatican: The Politics and Organization of the Roman Catholic Church, Harvard University Press, MA., 1996
186 Remsburg, John E., False Claims, The Truth Seeker Company, New York, 1928
187 Rice, David, Shattered Vows, Priests Who Leave, William Morrow & Co., Inc., New York, 1990
188 Robinson, John J., Dungeon, Fire and Sword, M. Evans & Company, Inc., New York, 1991.
189 Peter de Rosa, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy, Crown Publishers, New York, 1988
190 Ruethe, Rosemary, Liberation Theology, Paulist Press, New York, 1972.
191 Russell, Bertrand, Why I Am Not A Christian, A Touchtone Book, New York, 1957
192 Russer, Maximilian F., Authority in the Roman Catholic Church, Vantage Press, New York, 1991
193 Schoenherr, Richard & Young, Lawrence, Full Pews and Empty Altars, The University of Wisconsin Press, WI., 1993
194 Schweitzer, Albert., The Psychiatric Study of Jesus, Beacon Press, Boston, 1948
195 Scott, Nathan A.,  The Tragic Vision and the Christian Faith, Asssociations Press, New York, 1957
196 Sebba, Anne, Mother Teresa: Beyond The Image, Doubleday, New York, 1997.
197 Seldes, George, The Vatican Crisis, Julian Messner, Inc., New York, 1945
198 Schmitt, Karl M., The Roman Catholic Church in Modern Latin America, Alfred A. Knoff, New York, 1972.
199 Schonfield, Hugh J., The Passover Plot, Bantam Books, New York, 1966
200 Shorto, Russell, Gospel Truth, Riverhead Books, New York, 1997.
201 Sipe, A.W. Richard, Sex, Priests, and Power: An Anatomy of a Crisis, Brunner/Mazel Publishers, New York, 1995
202 Smith, Charles M., How To Become a Bishop Without Being Religious, Doubleday, New York, 1965.
203 Smith, Wilfred Cantwell, The Faith of Other Men, A Mentor Book, New York, 1965.
204 Solignac, Pierre, The Christian Neurosis, Crossroad, New York, 1982.
205 Spinoza, Benedict de, A Theologico-Political Treatise, Dover Pub., New York, 1951.
206 Spong, John Shelby, 1. Rescuing The Bible From Fundamentalism: A Bishop Rethinks The Meaning of Scripture, Harper, San Francisco, 1991;
207 Spong, John Shelby, Resurrection: Myth or Reality? A Bishop's Search For The Origins of Christianity, Harper Collins Pub., New York, 1994;
208 Spong, John Shelby, Born of a Woman: A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus, Harper, San Francisco, 1992;
209 Spong, John Shelby, Why Christianity Must Change or Die: A Bishop Speaks To Believers in Exile, Harper, San Francisco, 1998.
210 Steinhauser, Gerhard R., Jesus Christ - Heir To The Astronauts, Abelard-Schuman Ltd., New York, 1975
211 Thiering, Barbara, Jesus and the Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Harper, San Francisco, 1988.
212 Thomas, Gordon & Witts, Max Morgan, Pontiff, A Signet Book, New York, 1983.
213 Trần Tam Tĩnh, Dieu et César: Les Catholiques dans L'Histoire du Vietnam, Sudestasie, Paris, France, 1978 (Bản tiếng Việt: Thập Giá và Lưỡi Gươm, nxb Trẻ)
214 Treece, Henry, The Crusades, A Mentor Book, New York, 1964.
215 Tuck, Patrick J.N., French Catholic Missionaries and the Politics of Imperialism in Vietnam, 1857-1914: A Documentary Survey, Liverpool University Press, G.B., 1987.
216 Voas, David, The Bad News Bible: The New Testament, Prometheus Bo\oks, New York, 1995.
217 Wallace-Hadrill, J. M., The Barbarian West: The Early Middle Ages, Harper TorchBooks, New York, 1960.
218 Walsh, William Thomas, Characters of the Inquisition, Kennedy & Sons, New York, 1940.
219 Watts, Alan W., Myth and Ritual in Christianity, Beacon Press, Boston, 1971
220 White, Andrew D., A History of the Warfare of Science With Theology in Christendom, Prometheus Books, New York, 1993.
221 Williams, Paul L., Everything You Always Wanted To Know About The Catholic Church But Were Afraid To Ask For Fear of Excommunication, Doubleday, New York, 1989.
222 Wolf, James G., Gay Priests, Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1989
223 Woodward, Kenneth L., Making Saints, A Touchtone Book, New York, 1990.
224 Zindler, Frank R., Greatest Hits From Ohio, AA Press, TX,  1991.
225 Ziolkowski, Theodore, Fictional Transfiguration of Jesus, Princeton University Press, NJ, 1972.
226 Le Cléricalisme: Voilà l'Ennemi! Les Meilleures Pensées Anticléricales de Ferdinand Buisson, Léon Gambetta, Émile Combes, Victor Hugo [..et al], Herblay (Seine et Oise), Éditions de l'Idée Libre, 1937
227 Holy Bible,  The New King James Version, American Bible Society, New York 1982
228 The Holy Bible, New International Version, International Bible Society, CO., 1984.
229 Thánh Kinh: Cựu Ước và Tân Ước (Bản Diễn Ý)", Văn Phẩm Nguồn Sống Phát Hành, 1994.
230 Đặc biệt là những cuốn “The Vatican Mafia” của Đức Ông Monseñor Dr. Rafael Rodriguez Guillen; “The Vatican Assassins” của Eric Jon Phelps; “The Criminal History of the Papacy”của Tony Bushby ”Le Vatican Mis À Nu” của Đức Ông Luigi Marinelli v…v…



Aarons, Mark & Loftus, John, Unholy Trinity: How The Vatican's Nazi Networks Betrayed Western Intelligence to the Soviets, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1991.

Abbott, Walter M., The Documents of Vatican II, An Angelus Book, New York, 1966.

Akerley, Ben Edward, The X-Rated Bible: An Irreverend Survey of Sex in The Scriptures, AA Press, Austin, Texas, 1989

Angeles, Peter A., Critiques of God: Making The Case Against Belief In God, Prometheus Book, New York, 1997.

Alves, Rubem, Protestantism and Repression, Orbis Books, New York, 1979

Armstrong, Karen, 1. A History of God, Ballantine Books, New York, 1993; 2. In The Beginning: A New Interpretation of Genesis, Alfred A. Knoff, New York, 1996.

Aterin, Karl Otmar Von, The Papacy and the Modern World, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1970

Au, William A., The Cross, The Flag, and The Bomb, Praeger, New York, 1987.

Baigent, Michael & Leigh, Richard & Lincoln, Henry, 1. Holy Blood, Holy Grail, A Dell Book, New York, 1983; 2. The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, Summit Books, New York, 1991. 3. The Messianic Legacy, A Dell Book, New York, 1986.

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Để giúp cho các trí thức Gia Tô và độc giả nào muốn tìm hiểu thêm về Gia Tô La Mã Giáo, sau đây là những cuốn tài liệu đã được xếp theo từng chủ đề, để cho việc tham khảo của quý vị được dễ dàng.


A. Lịch sử phát triển Gia Tô La Mã Giáo :

1. The Cross, The Flag, and the Bomb, William A. Au;

2. Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln;

3. Our Hands Are Stained With Blood: The Tragic Story of the "Church" and the Jewish People, Michael L. Brown;

4. The Birth of Christianity: Reality and Myth, Joel Carmichael;

5. The Final Superstition, Joseph L. Daleiden;

6. The Early Christian Church, J.G. Davies;

7. The Court-Martial of Jesus: A Christian Defends The Jews Against the Charge of Deicide, Weddig Fricke;

8. Deceptions and Myths of the Bible, Lloyd M. Graham;

9. The Inquisition of the Middle Ages, Henry Charles Lea;

10. The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity, Hyam Maccoby;

11. The Truth About The Catholic Church, Joseph McCabe;

12. The Vatican & Zionism, Sergio I. Minerbi;

13. Middle Ages, George F. Mott & Harold M. Dee; 14. The Spanish Inquisition, Jean Plaidy;

15. A Legacy of Hatred: Why Christians Must Not Forget The Holocaust, David A. Raush;

16. Dungeon, Fire, and Sword, John J. Robinson;

17. Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy, Peter de Rosa;

18. The Crusades, Henry Treece;

19. The Barbarian West: The Early Middle Ages, Wallace-Hadrill;

20. Characters of the Inquisition, William Thomas Walsh.


B. Sách Lược Truyền Đạo và Chính Trị Gia Tô La Mã Giáo:

1. Unholy Trinity: How The Vatican's Nazi Networks Betrayed Western Intelligence to the Soviets, Mark Aarons & John Loftus;

2. The Vatican Empire, Nino Lo Bello;

3. American Freedom and Catholic Power, Paul Blanshard;

4. a. Gia Tô Thực Dân Sử Liệu, b. Sách Lược Gia Tô Thực Dân Thống Trị Toàn Cầu, c. Gia Tô Thực Dân Chính Sử, Chu Văn Trình;

5. Pope, Premier, President, Roland Flamini;

6. Catholicisme et Sociétés Asiatiques, Alain Forest & Yoshiharu Tsuboi;

7. The Roman Catholic Church in Colonial Latin America, Richard E. Greenleaf;

8. The Catholic Church in World Politics, Eric O. Hanson;

9. Les Missions Étrangères et la Pénétration Francaise au Viet-Nam, Nicole-Dominique Lê;

10. The Missionaries: God Against the Indians, Norman Lewis;

11. a. Catholic Imperialism and World Freedom, b. Vietnam: Why Did We Go?, c. The Vatican's Holocaust, Avro Manhattan;

12. The Vietnamese Response to French Intervention: 1862-1874, Mark W. McLeod;

13. The Politics of the Vatican, Peter Nichols;

14. Christ or Evil? The Corrupt Face of Christianity in Africa, Anene Obianyido;

15. The Holy Humbugs, Padchi;

16. Missionaries, Julian Pettifer & Clive Prince;

17. The Roman Catholic Church in Modern Latin America, Karl M. Schmit;

18. Histoire de la Pénétration Francaise au Vietnam (1858-1897), Nguyễn Xuân Thọ; 19. Đạo Thiên Chúa và Chủ Nghĩa Thực Dân Tại Việt-Nam, Cao Huy Thuần;

20. Dieu et César: Les Catholiques dans L'histoire du Vietnam, Trần Tam Tĩnh;

21. French Catholic Missionaries and the Politics of Imperialism in Vietnam, 1857-1914, Patrick J.N. Tuck.


C. Phân tích và phê bình Thánh Kinh:

1. The X-Rated Bible: An Irreverend Survey of Sex in the Scriptures, Ben Edward Akerley;

2. A History of God, Karen Armstrong;

3. The Bible Handbook, W.P.Ball, G.W. Foote et al..;

4. a. The Gospel of Love Versus Crime, b. The Shadow of the Deamon, Jack Bays;

5. Going By The Book: Past and Present Tragedies of Biblical Authority, Ernie Bringa;

6. Dieu Contre Dieu, Robert Dalian;

7. Christianity Cross-Examined, William Floyd;

8. Bible Romances, G.W. Foote;

9. Who Wrote the Bible?, Richard Elliott Friedman;

10. One Hundred Contradictions in the Bible, Marshall J. Gauvin;

11. Deceptions and Myths of the Bible, Lloyd M. Graham;

12. a. The Book of Ruth, b. The Born Again Skeptic's Guide to the Bible, Ruth Hermence Green;

13. Mythology's Last Gods: Yahweh and Jesus, William Harwood;

14. Some Mistakes of Moses, Robert G. Ingersoll;

15. All the Obscenities in the Bible, Gene Kasmar;

16. The Bible Unmasked, Joseph Lewis;

17. The Case Against Christianity, Michael Martin;

18. a. Resurrection: Myth or Reality, b. Born a Woman: A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus, John Shelby Spong;

19. Jesus and the Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Barbara Thiering;

20. The Bad News Bible: The New Testament, David Voas;

21. Fictional Transfiguration of Jesus, Theodore Ziolkowski;

22. The Five Gospels: What Did Jesus Say?, The Jesus Seminar.


D. Cấu trúc độc tài toàn trị của chế độ giáo hoàng:

1. The Papacy and the Modern World, Karl Otmar Von Aterin;

2. The Pope and the Mavericks, Louis Baldwin;

3. The Decline and Fall of the Medieval Papacy, L. Elliot Binns;

4. American Freedom and Catholic Power, Paul Blanshard;

5. Church: Charism & Power, Leonardo Boff;

6. The Final Superstition, Joseph L. Daleiden;

7. The Rest of Us Catholics: The Loyal Opposition, Joseph Dunn;

8. The Limits of the Papacy, Patrick Granfield;

9. A Modern Priest Looks at his Outdated Church, James Kavanaugh;

10. The Infallibility Debate, John J. Kirvan;

11. Infallible? An Inquiry, Hans Kung;

12. The Keys to this Blood, Malachi Martin;

13. The Totalitarian Church of Rome: Its Fuehrer, Its Gauleiter, Its Gestapo, and Its Money-Box , Joseph McCabe;

14. Freedom's Foe - The Vatican, Adrian Pigott;

15. Authority in the Roman Catholic Church, Maximilian F. Russer;

16. Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy, Peter de Rosa.

E. Linh mục bỏ đạo:

1. Pourquoi J'ai Quitté L'Église Romaine, Georges Las Vergnas;

2. Why I Left The Roman Catholic Church, Charles Davis;

3. Letters To An Ex-Priest, Emmett McLoughlin;

4. Shattered Vows, Priests Who Leave, David Rice;

5. Full Pews and Empty Altars, Richard Schonherr & Lawrence Young.


F. Linh Mục cưỡng bách tình dục trẻ em và nữ tín đồ, đồng giới tình dục :

1. Lead Us Not To Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Abuse of Children, Jason Berry;

2. A Gospel of Shame: Children, Sexual Abuse, and the Catholic Church, Elinor Burkett & Frank Bruni;

3. Betrayal of Trust: Clergy Abuse of Children, Annie Laurie Gaylor;

4. Unholy Orders: Tragedy at Mount Cashel, Michael Harris;

5. Sex, Priests, and Power: An Anatomy of a Crisis, A.W. Richard Sipe;

6. Gay Priests, James G. Wolf.


G. Những triều đại dâm loạn của một số Giáo Hoàng:

1. The Bad Popes, E.R. Chamberlin; Unzipped: The Popes Bare All, A Frank Study of Sex & Corruption in the Vatican, Arthur Frederick Ide;

2. Christianity & Incest, Annie Imbens & Ineke Jonker;

3. The Love Affairs of the Vatican or The Favorites of the Popes, Angelo S. Rappoport;

4. Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy, Peter de Rosa.


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