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Vùng đất rộng từ đông sang tây của Bắc Phi đang bị sa mạc hóa

Subject: ***_Trump_và_vấn _đề_Niger_:_thằn g_chơi_cờ_không_biết_nước_đi_!!!
From: Mike Wilson
Date: Fri, November 03, 2017 4:08 pm

Theo Thomas L. Friedman :

Vùng đất rộng từ đông sang tây của Bắc Phi đang bị sa mạc hóa, người dân bị mất dần đất canh tác, cộng với biến đổi khí hậu và dân số tăng vọt...
gây sức ép di dân, mâu thuẫn và xung đột, giành giật lãnh thổ ...

Đây là vùng bấp bênh, bất ổn, dễ hỗn loạn
- ươm mầm tốt nhất cho ISIS sinh sôi nảy nở.

Muốn cứu vãn tình hình thì phải giúp hãm đà tăng trưởng dân số, ngừa thai, ngừa sinh sản, phải hãm đà biến đổi khí hậu, phải hãm đà sa mạc hóa tại Bắc Phi, phải giúp canh tân nông nghiệp, song song với việc cải cách chính trị để ngăn ngừa sự lan tràn của ISIS tại vùng này .

Thay vào đó, Donald Trump làm gì ? Y

- cắt giảm viện trợ ngừa thai cho châu Phi
- rút khỏi Thỏa ƯỚc Paris, phủ bác biến đổi khí hậu
- đặt những tay chủ chốt "phủ bác biến đổi khí hậu"
vào các trọng trách trông coi chính sách môi trường
- thúc đẩy trở về công nghệ đốt than
- cắt giảm nghiên cứu cấp nhà nước về biến đổi khí hậu

Đồng thời, Trump huênh hoang :
"ISIS đã bị đánh tan ở Syria (với sự giúp sức của Nga, Syria, Iran, Hezbollah) - nên chúng chạy sang châu Phi, chúng đến đâu, mình đến đó, mình theo nó, uýnh nó khắp mọi nơi !"

Như vậy là rơi vào bẫy của ISIS :
Trump bị căng mỏng khắp nơi trong khi vẫn không biết diệt tận gốc những điều kiện khiến ISIS bành trướng và lây lan !!!

Trump không có đầu óc tư duy sâu rộng để tạo nên một chiến lược liên kết nhất quán, đồng bộ nó chỉ biết thấy đâu sửa đó, rốt cuộc sửa đâu sai đó - và làm cho mọi sự tệ hơn ...

Người ta nói, "Trump là thằng ngu":
nhưng mình phải học thì mới hiểu nó ngu thế nào, ở những chỗ nào ...

Thà có một lãnh tụ khôn mà không biết lừa bịp, còn hơn bị cai trị bởi một thằng giỏi lừa bịp mà ngu dốt các vấn đề chiến lược .


Trump, Niger and Connecting the Dots

Thomas L. Friedman

It is easy to ignore the recent story of four U.S. servicemen killed in Niger, the giant state in central Africa, because the place is so remote and the circumstances still so murky. That would be a mistake. Niger highlights a much larger problem — just how foolish, how flat-out dumb President Trump is behaving.

Trump is a person who doesn’t connect dots — even when they’re big, fat polka dots that are hard to miss. Rather, he thinks inside narrow little boxes built from his own simplistic impulses and applause lines — and that tendency is leading us into a web of contradictions abroad. Niger is a perfect example.
I know something about Niger because I did a documentary there last year for National Geographic’s “Years of Living Dangerously” climate series and wrote several columns about it for The Times. To understand why groups affiliated with ISIS and Al Qaeda are popping up in that region of central Africa, you have to connect a lot of dots, and recognize the linkages between a number of different problems — not just say, in effect: There are bad guys there. I will call “my generals.” They will kill them. I will take credit.

As defense systems expert Lin Wells once put it: To ameliorate problems in places like Niger, you must never think in the box. You must never think out of the box. “You must always think without a box.”

Why? Because what is destabilizing all of these countries in the Sahel region of Africa and spawning terrorist groups is a cocktail of climate change, desertification — as the Sahara steadily creeps south — population explosions and mis-governance.

Desertification is the trigger, and climate change and population explosions are the amplifiers. The result is a widening collapse of small-scale farming, the foundation of societies all over Africa. And that collapse is leading to a rising tide of “economic migrants, interethnic conflicts and extremism,” Monique Barbut, who heads the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and guided me in Niger, explained.

A few numbers: Niger, with rampant poverty and poor access to contraception, has one of the highest birthrates in the world: 7.6 children per woman. I met a man there who boasted of 17 kids. Neighboring Nigeria is growing so fast it will replace the U.S. as the third-most-populous country in the world by 2050. Nigeria is a third bigger than Texas.

Meanwhile, climate change in the region is so severe that nearby Senegal’s national weather bureau says that from 1950 to 2015, the average temperature there rose two degrees Celsius and the average annual rainfall declined by about two inches. The Paris climate accord was designed to keep global average temperatures from rising two degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels by 2100.

In other words, parts of sub-Saharan Africa are already at heat levels that Paris was supposed to prevent by the end of the century — and the region is heading for a four-degree rise, which will lead to the collapse of even more small farms and lead to a mad scramble of refugees toward Europe, competition for food and more unemployed males ready to join ISIS for $50 a month.
Barbut, as I reported, reinforced her point by showing me three maps of Africa with dots concentrated in the middle of the continent. Map No. 1: the most vulnerable regions of desertification in 2008. Map No. 2: conflicts and food riots in 2007 and 2008. Map No. 3: terrorist attacks in 2012. All the dots of all three maps cluster around Niger and its neighbors. Hello? (anyone listening or paying attention ? nth-fl)

And what is Trump’s response to this reality? It’s to focus solely on using the U.S. military to kill terrorists in Africa while offering a budget that eliminates U.S. support for global contraception programs; appointing climate-change deniers to all key environmental posts; pushing coal over clean energy; and curbing U.S. government climate research.

In short, he’s sending soldiers to fight a problem that is clearly being exacerbated by climate and population trends, while eliminating all our tools to mitigate these trends.
That’s just stupid, reckless and irresponsible — and it evinces no ability to connect the dots or think without a box.

But this is not only in Africa: Trump was obsessed with defeating ISIS in Syria and Iraq — but with as few U.S. troops as possible. The only way he could do that was by tacitly allying with Iran, Syria’s regime, Russia, pro-Iranian Shiite militias, and pro-U.S. Kurds, who were the main anti-ISIS forces on the ground. We could not defeat ISIS or stabilize Syria and Iraq without all of them.

And what is Trump’s strategy now? I have no clue. We’ve distanced ourselves from the Kurds, moved to tear up the nuclear deal with Iran and added U.S. troops in Afghanistan, a country we also can’t stabilize without the tacit help of Iran next door. If you know how these dots connect, please write.
Also: How do we stabilize our border with Mexico and maintain our neighbor’s cooperation in holding back the main source of illegal immigration today — refugees from Central America — while pursuing trade policies that have weakened the Mexican peso and the Mexican economy and could lead that country to elect its own anti-American populist-nationalist?

Nothing Trump ever says has a second paragraph. His whole shtick (gimmick, mẹo vặt) is just a first paragraph: Build a wall, tear up the Iran deal, tear up TPP, defeat ISIS, send troops to Niger and Afghanistan to kill terrorists, kill climate policy, kill family planning, cut taxes, raise military spending. Every box just marks an applause line he needed somewhere to get elected. Nothing connects — and we will pay for that. (there is no understanding of the big picture and no coordination of the thought process to devise a synchronized strategy to address inter-related factors that cause the proliferation of ISIS ... because Trump is a stupid dotard who thinks he's smarter than everybody else ... nth-fl)

Indeed, if you want to know what it looks like when a country follows a leader with no second paragraph and no ability to connect dots, visit London. I was there last week. Britain’s political system is in turmoil and its economy is facing declining growth prospects, because a bare majority voted to follow leaders with no second paragraph (no plan B) — we’ll just quit the European Union and everything will be fine, they said.

Well, now it’s a fine little mess they have. The ruling Conservatives have no clue how to quit the E.U. without doing even more damage to their country’s future. That’s what happens when you vote for “disrupters” (like Donald Trump) who never spent a second thinking through how all of their disruptions connect the morning after the morning after.
Sound familiar?

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