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Các cơn chao đảo chính trị cứ tiếp tục hành hạ dân Mỹ

From Mike Wilson
on 2021-11-07 09:19

Việc binh là trá ngụy, điều đó là nhu cầu hiển nhiên

Nhưng ở Mỹ, làm chính trị cũng là trá ngụy, điều này không bắt buộc nhưng hầu như ai cũng dối trá để bôi nhọ đối thủ và kiếm phiếu

Người dân Mỹ, những người ít theo dõi chính trị, lại không chịu nhớ chuỗi nhân quả, trước sau tiếp nối, chỉ nghe lời dèm pha rồi bắt lỗi ông TT đương nhiệm Joe Biden đã tạo ra những khó khăn khúc mắc do chính gã tiền nhiệm gây ra !!!

Đây là lí do, hễ TT đảng nào lên cầm quyền, thì hai năm sau đảng ấy lại "thua trận" trong kỳ bầu lưỡng viện Quốc Hội

Và cơn co giật chao đảo chính trị cứ tiếp tục hành hạ dân Mỹ khốn khổ như vậy !

Nói rằng nước Mỹ là NGỤY chính trị, NGỤY dân chủ không phải là nói ngoa, hay sai sự thật

*** Sẽ còn rất nhiều bằng chứng thêm nữa ***
soi rõ bản chất NGỤY của đời sống chính trị Mỹ !

Đừng tưởng nó hay, mà đem so sánh nó với Việt Nam !

Mỗi nước, mỗi khác

Mike Wilson

Palm Beach Post (newsmemory.com)

Voters have (short) memory of a golden retriever

Ben Mathis-Lilley - Slate

On Tuesday night in Virginia, voters elected Republican Glenn Youngkin over Democrat Terry McAuliffe as their next governor by a margin (at the moment) of 51 percent to 48 percent. The emerging consensus holds that right-wing anger about "critical race theory" drove MAGA-base enthusiasm while Youngkin was able to distance himself enough (physically, even) from Donald Trump to be able to harvest the fruits of less-ideological swing voters' dissatisfaction with the shortage-wracked economy and the frustrating COVID-related decisions made by local school districts.
Apparently so!
After four years of embarrassing Trump created disasters that culminated in mass COVID fatalities, a violent attempt to overturn the presidential election, still-ongoing efforts to fabricate evidence of election fraud, and the ascendance of an electorally significant (QAnon) movement whose premise is that Democrats operate a cannibalism ring with Tom Hanks, ... a determinative number of Virginia voters have decided they're okay enough with the Republican "brand" that they're going to give the party a shot running their state.
Again, this is on the same day that a number of ardent Republicans gathered in Dallas' Dealey Plaza because they thought John F. Kennedy Jr., who died in 1999, was going to appear there to confirm an alliance with Trump.
Republicans in Michigan purged their newly selected party chairman this summer for suggesting Trump might have had some role in losing the presidential election in which he was a candidate;
However, the only person left in the Republican Party who fits that description is Mitt Romney, and the only way he is getting a vote in a 2024 primary is if he's running as a Democrat (nth : he has no chance with Republican voters).
There are also many independent voters who are not particularly politically engaged and simply tend to ping-pong between parties based on the vague (false) sense that whoever is in charge must be responsible for all the bad things and the instability.
given that those voters have swung back to supporting the GOP less than a year after it got done creating the problems