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Theo như tài liệu dưới đây Thượng Đế giết ít nhất 87, 272,727 người

On Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 6:25:55 PM PDT,

Tran Quang Dieu <tranquangdieu@hotmail.com> wrote:

Đúng vậy, thưa ông Ri Nguyễn,
Trong lịch sử nhân loại xưa nay không thể có tôn giáo nào, vương triều - đế chế nào, đảng phái chính trị nào, và chế độ “phổ thông đầu phiếu” nào cầm quyền mà xuống tay đẫm máu nhân loại nhiều và dai dẳng cho bằng như
Cato Roma giáo “thống trị hoàn vũ”.

Đó là sự thật cực kỳ hiển nhiên trước lịch sử.

Bộ Cato gốc Việt Phạm Trung Kiên quen cái thói man rợ: rạch ruột, moi gan người đặt lên vỉ nướng; máu thì hòa với rượu rồi ăn nhậu thân xác của “kẻ thù” cùng là người Việt Nam với nhau trong thế kỷ trước?
Tôi rất hãnh diện là trùng tên với Tướng quân họ Trần nhà Tây Sơn có bà vợ cũng là nữ tướng (Bùi Thị Xuân) đã từng sát cánh bên cạnh Quang Trung đánh đuổi giặc Mãn Thanh ra khỏi quê hương. Và, Bùi Thị Xuân sau này cũng nói với Nguyễn Ánh: “Nếu có một người nữ nữa cỡ như ta thì nhà ngươi đừng có hòng mà đặt chân vào cửa Nhật Lệ !”.

Trần Quang Diệu
From: on behalf of Ri Nguyen <rn001@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: “Kitô giáo quyết tìm một thế giới ma quỉ và xấu xa,...Re: Ba Sợi Dây Thòng Lọng / VNCH Christian Conformity is very Stupid

Thưa qúy vị trên diễn đàn

“Like father like son” Thành ra tôi không ngạc nhiên với tâm tính “hoang dã” của lũ “Chien” nên ta thấy “Chien” Phạm Trung Kiên(PTK) lên tiếng đe dọa viết.
“ 3 sợi dây thòng lọng này đang chờ cột vào cổ; Nguyễn Quốc-Nguyễn, Trần Quang Diệu, PH-GòVấp, EmGái Xóm"phá"Đạo ... và tất những kẻ đang chống báng, xúc phạm THIÊN CHÚA, khích bác và phỉ báng Tôn Giáo!...”
Úi giời ơi, Khổ qúa Chiên Phạm Trung Kiên đang mơ ngủ về thời trung cổ với “THANH GƯƠM, BÓ CỦI” CỦA CATÔ RÔ-MA GIÁO mang ra dọa người.

Chúa CON:

Luca 19:27 (http://www.chungnhanduckito.net/):
27 "Còn bọn thù địch của tôi kia, những người không muốn tôi làm vua cai trị chúng, thì hãy dẫn chúng lại đây và giết chết trước mặt tôi."

Theo như tài liệu dưới đây Thượng Đế giết ít nhất 87, 272,727 (Tám mươi bẩy triệu hai trăm bẩy mươi hai ngàn bẩy trăm hai mươi bẩy) người. Xin úy vị bấm vào link dưới đây để đọc tòan bài.
Những thí dụ chính tay Chúa giết người:
(Đây là danh sách chưa đầy đủ)
- Cựu Ước - Những vụ giết người do Chúa làm
... (xem ↓)

Chết chóc Tội ác Cách giết người Tham khảo kinh
20 million (estimated). People being evil. Drowning. Genesis 6:7
The cities ofSodom and Gomorrah(population of Sodom estimated to be 600-1200, Gomorrah presumably would be similar). According to Genesis:Being evil and wanting to rape two angels (who visited Sodom in the form of men).
According to Ezekiel (depending on translation): Being prideful (arrogant), overfed and unconcerned (having an abundance of idleness); neglecting the poor and needy; being haughty and committing abominations before God.
The passage suggests that a mob were interested in homosexual rape in respect of the angels. Lot - the only example of a good man in the city - offered them his virgin daughters instead, but the mob were not interested.
Burnt to death by fire and a rain of burning sulfur. Genesis 19:4-5
Ezekiel 16:46-47 (specifically Ezekiel 16:49-50)
Lot’s wife. Pausing to look back at the spectacle of God destroying entire cities, including her own residence and all her possessions, in a massive conflagration of fire and brimstone. Transformed into a pillar of salt. Genesis 19:26
Er, the firstborn of Judah. Being "wicked in the sight of the Lord" Not specified Genesis 38:7
Onan (Er’s brother and apparent inventor of onanism) Disobeying God's orders to impregnate his dead brother's wife (or “spilling his seed”). Not specified Genesis 38:9-10 (unlucky family)
The firstborn of Egypt. Being firstborn when God decided to show his strength. God hardened Pharaoh's heart so he refused to let the Israelites go. The Angel of Death. Exodus 12:29 (Rather tough on the kids who really had nothing to do with it.)
The Egyptian army. Refusing to disobey orders to pursue the Israelites fleeing through the Red Sea, which was parted with walls of water on both sides of the path. Drowned when the seawater returned. Exodus 14:28 God kills you or the boss kills you.
Nadab and Abihu, sons of Aaron. Offering strange fire before the Lord. Burnt to death Leviticus 10:1-3 If you don't get the ritual right then death is the result.
Undisclosed number of Israelites. Complaining against God Fire Numbers 11:1-3
Undisclosed number of Israelites. Complaining about the food and wanting to go back to Egypt for an easier life. Plague Numbers 11:4-35
Ten scouts sent to explore the promised land Spreading bad reports about this land containing giants, and being too difficult to conquer. Plague Numbers 14:36-38. If you don't give the answer the boss wants then you're in big trouble.
Korah, Dathan, Abiram and their respective families. Claiming to be as holy asMoses and Aaron. The earth opened up and swallowed them - burying them alive. Numbers 16:27-32, which implies the children were killed, but Numbers 26:11 states Korah's children survived.
250 Israelites. Followers of Korah (see above) Burnt to death by fire from God. Numbers 16:35
14,700 Israelites. Complaining about the previous two loving assassinations concerning Korah. Plague Numbers 16:49 (The management thanks you for your feedback. Now die!)
Undisclosed number of Israelites. Despairing, and complaining about the quality of bread. Being bitten to death by divinely summoned fieryserpents, although casting a bronze snake and looking upon it would prevent them from dying. Numbers 21:4-9(Honestly, wouldn't it be cool just to try this to see it happen? C'mon, I dare ya...)
24,000 Israelites Sexual immorality with Moabite women and worshiping Baal. Plague. Numbers 25:9 (Proving once more that despite God being obviously real and very jealous, Israelites would worship a sandwich if Moses so much as popped out to buy a newspaper.)
Undisclosed number of Ammorites Waging war against Israel, trying to protect themselves and their families from the holy slaughter that the Israelites regularly inflicted on their enemies Sending hailstones from Heaven Joshua 10:10-11
Either 70 or 50,070 Israelites (dependent on how the inerrant Bible is translated). Looking into the Ark of the Covenant (Like the ending of Indiana Jones: Raiders of The Lost Ark). Not specified 1 Samuel 6:19 (You would have thought the 50,070th Israelite would have more sense than to climb a mountain of 50,069 bodies and look into a box)
Nabal. David refrained from murdering Nabal's servants or stealing from him. He expected his kindness to be repaid in the form of gifts from Nabal, but Nabal declined. God killed Nabal before David had the chance to go "avenging thyself with thine own hand." Not specified 1 Samuel 25:38 (This was quite convenient as David, an avid collector of wives, got to marry Nabal's wife who was quite hot.)
Uzzah. Touching the Ark while trying to prevent it from tipping over. Not specified. 2 Samuel 6:6-7 (Which seems grossly unfair - should he have just let it fall to the ground and be broken?)
David and Bathsheba's baby boy. None. The baby was killed in order to punish David for his adultery with Bathsheba and subsequently arranging the death of her husband Uriah. Not specified 2 Samuel 12:14-18 (The life of a baby is sacred, as explained by Christians, but it's worth squat when God is angry with the parents.)
70,000 assorted Israelites Inspired by either God, or perhaps Satan - the Bible is a tad unclear - David took a census of his lands and people. Plague 2 Samuel 24:13 , despite being told to by God in 2 Samuel 24:1. (Unless you read 1 Chronicles 21:1, where the devil did it)
An unnamed prophet The prophet had been told by God to not eat bread, but another guy claimed he too was a prophet, and that God had commanded him to bring the prophet home for some food. Eaten by lions 1 Kings 13:1-24 (That’s what happens when you follow the advice of self-proclaimed prophets.)
Jeroboam's son. None. Child killed to punish Jeroboam, to save him from a massacre God was planning for the rest of Jeroboam's family, and possibly also as a sign used to confirm a prophecy. Not specified. Died in his mother's arms. 1 Kings 14:10-18 (God euthanizes a child to save him from the terrors of...His own wrath?)
An unnamed man Refusal to strike a prophet when ordered to do so by the prophet in question. Killed by a lion (God really enjoys using Lions in Kings). 1 Kings 20:35-36 (Weird or what?)
King Ahaziah Seeking medical advice from a rival god, and Baal worship. Died in bed while recovering from an earlier fall. 1 Kings 22:51 and 2 Kings 1:16 (Baal must have been pretty good to compete with a Yahweh: the God who would incinerate your children.)
102 soldiers Being impolite to Elijah and serving King Ahziah. (Although they would have attempted to remove Elijah by force/kill him for not obeying Ahaziah had God not intervened) Burnt to death. 2 Kings 1:9-12 (This verse is worth reading, since it's almost comical the way in which the soldiers queue up to be incinerated.)
42 youths. They mocked Elisha's bald head. No kidding - God sends 2 she-bears to maul them to death. 2 Kings 2:23-24 (Evidently there weren't any lions to hand).
Some foreigners. Not worshiping God Killed by lions 2 Kings 17:25-26 ("Death by lion" crops up with suspicious frequency. Did the author of Kings have some kind of lion-phobia?)
185,000 soldiers. Being at war with Israel Killed by the angel of the Lord while they slept. 2 Kings 19:35
Jeroboam. Rebelling against Abijah, the king of Israel based on dependence from David. Not specified 2 Chronicles 13:20
Jehoram. Doing evil in the sight of the Lord. Stricken by a disease that caused his bowels to fall out. 2 Chronicles 21:14-19(Nasty way to go.)
Ezekiel's wife. Literally nothing. God just wanted to make a point. Unknown. Ezekiel 24:15-18

Nhưng nên nhớ rằng.... "God loves you! "
- Tân Ước - những vụ giết người do Chúa làm
God of the New Testament appears to have had a rather drastic change in personality, resulting in far fewer deity-induced deaths than seen in the Old Testament. On the other hand, the New Testament is a smaller anthology covering a much shorter time period, and makes up for it with Revelation. (xem ↓)

Chết chóc Tội ác Cách giết người Tham khảo kinh
Ananias and Sapphira Lying (Offering the money they got from selling some land but secretly withholding some, in an attempt to save money while becoming well respected.) First one and then the other fell dead at Peter's feet when he questioned them. Possibly a divine heart attack. Acts 5:1-10
Herod Failure to praise God Struck down by an angel and eaten by worms. Acts 12:23 (Perhaps a potential concern for much of the human race.)
(Prophesied future killings)Indeterminate amount, at least all living non-Christians and "Not Good Enough" Christians Not worshiping God, or following the Beast instead of God. Or simply being in the way. Various Detailed in the passages where God sends four horsemen (Revelation 6:1-7), commands the angels to sound seven trumpets (Revelation 8:7-11:15), commands the angels to unleash seven plagues (Revelation 16:2-17). Finally the Great Beast, his False Prophet and all non-saved are cast into a Lake of Fire.
(More Prophesied Future Killings)Indeterminate amount, stated as "Like the sand on the beach" Being part of Satan's last Army Fire from Heaven Revelation 20:8-9

Mysterious ways
See the main article on this topic: Mysterious ways
Despite the obvious dickery above, it's quite easy for the usual theological excuse to be trotted out to explain it: God works in mysterious ways.
How many people will die at the Battle of Armageddon?

“The angel swung his sickle on the earth, gathered its grapes and threw them into the great winepress of God's wrath. They were trampled in the winepress outside the city, and blood flowed out of the press, rising as high as the horses' bridles for a distance of 1,600 stadia.
—Revelation 14:18-20

Let's assume that 1600 stadia (320 kilometres = 320,000 metres) is the diameter of the lake of blood, therefore, the radius is 800 stadia or 160km. Let's also assume that a horse's bridle is approximately 1.5 metres from the ground, giving us its depth.
Các con tính
We can then calculate the volume of blood using the formula: V = πr2h. Using biblical value of π = 3 we get the formula:
3 × 160,000 × 160,000 × 1.5 = 115200000000 = 1.152×1011 cubic metres of blood.
1 cubic metre = 1000 litres
115200000000 × 1000 = 115200000000000 = 1.152×1014 litres of blood
If we divide this number by the average amount of blood in a human body, 5.5 litres:
115,200,000,000,000 ÷ 5.5 = 20,945,454,545,500
So we find that according to scripture, at a bare minimum according to one interpretation, God will kill approximately 20,945,454,545,500 people. That's in the trillions.
However, since it says flows and not pools, it wouldn't be unreasonable to think that a river was formed. Assuming they measured the blood-flow using actual horses, and a horse is 1 metre across.
320,000 × 1 × 1.5 = 480,000 cubic metres of blood.
480,000 × 1000 = 480,000,000
480,000,000 ÷ 5.5 = 87,272,727
So, in another interpretation, God will kill a minimum of 87,272,727 people to produce a horse bridle-high blood-flow.

Ri Nguyễn

On Tuesday, March 13, 2018 9:13 AM, Tran Quang Dieu <tranquangdieu@hotmail.com> wrote:
Con chiên Phạm Trung Kiên Cato Roma giáo khỏi cần đe dọa? Vì bởi tâm địa hung tàn dẫn đến vô số những hành vi hiểm ác được “tòa thánh” của chiên Kiên đã từng làm rồi như những chứng cứ ở đây:

1000 Năm Tàn Sát & Man Rợ (Kenneth Humphreys/Thường Đức)
Thế kỷ 21 - thế kỷ đe dọa về sự vô luân (21th Century Menace) : Giáo hội Kitô là phạm trù của sách nhiễu tình dục trẻ em và tấn ...
From: Pham Trung Kien <ptrungkien71@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: Ba Sợi Dây Thòng Lọng / VNCH Christian Conformity is very Stupid

Với tui thì xin được "cảnh báo" thế này:

3 sợi dây thòng lọng này đang chờ cột vào cổ; Nguyễn Quốc-Nguyễn, Trần Quang Diệu, PH-GòVấp, EmGái Xóm"phá"Đạo ... và tất những kẻ đang chống báng, xúc phạm THIÊN CHÚA, khích bác và phỉ báng Tôn Giáo!

Bởi vậy, khuyến cáo các vị hãy kíp sám hối, tu tâm dưỡng tính, học làm người hiền lương tử tế!
Được như thế thì mới mong, hi vọng có thể thoát khỏi kiếp nạn...đang chờ đợi!
Trân trọng
2018-03-12 2:13 GMT+01:00 nqng <nqng@yahoo.com>:
Xin gỏi lai 1 mail cũ.
Nguyen Quoc-Nguyen <nqng@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, January 9, 2017 3:12 PM
Subject: Ba Sợi Dây Thòng Lọng

Sau bao nhiêu chiêm nghiệm, tui thấy 3 sợi dây thòng lọng quấn chặt người Giáo Dân bởi vị Linh Mục. Bộ 3 Thòng Lọng này thuộc về 7 Bí Tích vị Linh Mục CaTo Roma làm phép.
1. Thòng Lọng 1 - Rửa Tội Tổ Tông
Phép rửa sạch Tội Tổ Tông lúc sơ sinh không có sự lựa chọn.
Phép rửa TTT cũng áp đặt lên cho 1 người lớn mới nhập đạo.
2. Thòng Lọng 2 - Rước Lễ (Eucharist) Mỗi Tuần
Khi lớn lên bắt đầu biết thấy và nghe, mỗi tuần PHẢI dự lễ ở nhà thờ.
Chiên được ăn bánh thánh và uống rựu thánh (thịt và máu của Chúa Giêsu).
3. Thòng Lọng 3 - Xức Dầu Thánh
Khi lâm chung, Chiên được xức dầu thánh. để lên Thiên-Đường.
Thân thể bạt nhược, tinh thần sa sút, gì cũng ừ hết.

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