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Chính trị phá hoại của đảng Cộng Hòa tại các bang

From Lão Ông on 2021-11-17 15:22

Ron DeSantis là thống đốc Cộng Hòa bang Florida

Ông này lật lọng :

Ban đầu nó khuyên dân tiêm vaccine, sau nó "quay xe", chống vaccine và làm nhiều chuyện tồi bại như mướn một thằng "cà lơ", không chuyên môn, Joseph Ladapo, làm Bộ trướng Y tế Florida, và làm nhiều chuyên tồi tệ khác - để mị dân, kiếm phiếu

Nói tóm tắt, "cut to the chase", moi ruột nó ra, là như vầy :
Nó phá hoại công cuộc tiêm vaccine để gây khó cho chiến dịch phục hồi kinh tế trong đại dịch của TT Biden

Thống đốc Cộng Hòa bang Texas (Greg Abbott), và mấy thằng thống đốc Cộng Hòa khác cũng làm như vậy, từ cùng một bài bản, play book, của Trump.

Chính trị Mỹ là gian trá, phản trắc, và bẩn thỉu.
Đừng tưởng bở, mà tôn sùng, bắt chước bọn chúng !

Lão Ông

Palm Beach Post (newsmemory.com)

DeSantis stresses pain of vaccination over their need

Columnist Palm Beach Post - USA TODAY NETWORK

In case you haven't noticed, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has completely adopted the language of anti-vaxxers.

It's a regrettable turn for the governor, who just four months ago, sounded concerned about the Floridians who refused to be vaccinated against the COVID- 19 virus.

In July, when the delta variant of the virus put his business-as-usual posture to the test, and 20% of the U.S. cases of COVID-19 were coming from Florida, DeSantis was temporarily scared into acting responsibly and urging Floridians to get vaccinated.

Thousands of Floridians were dying unnecessarily because of their hesitancy to be vaccinated.

DeSantis urged vaccinations over the summer

"If you look at the people that are being admitted to hospitals ... over 95 percent of them are either not fully vaccinated or not vaccinated at all," DeSantis said in July. "These vaccines are saving lives. They are reducing mortality."

Commentators noticed the new, more responsible tone from the governor, and his spokesperson pushed back by saying DeSantis has always been a clear advocate for the COVID-19 vaccines.

"The governor has made countless public appearances all over the state to encourage vaccination, and he has spoken positively of the vaccines in public remarks nearly 100 times this year," Christina Pushaw told The News Service of Florida.

DeSantis takes an anti-vax turn

But two months later, DeSantis went out of his way to hire Dr. Joseph Ladapo, a vaccination critic from California to replace the suddenly ousted state surgeon general.

DeSantis stood next to Ladapo as Florida's new top medical officer went around the state fueling vaccine skepticism to Floridians who were hesitant to get vaccinated.

"People being forced to put something in their bodies that we don't know all there is to know about yet," Ladapo said.

"We're going to learn more about the safety of these vaccines," Ladapo said. "We're finding that some of these vaccines, the protection from infection is less than 40 percent."

Ladapo is a medical outlier, a doctor who didn't have COVID-19 patients, but was instead part of a political group funded by a right-wing Tea Party organization, and pushing hydroxychloroquine and other controversial and discredited remedies. He's not a doctor who represents the consensus of medical opinion. Ladapo is the doctor you hire only if you're trying to appeal to the people who call overwhelmingly effective vaccinations "Fauci ouchies" and the people who advocate them "needle Nazis."

DeSantis pivoted from the responsible message he delivered in July to being part of the anti-vax, medical-apartheid chorus two months later.

By September, DeSantis was shedding IQ points at an alarming rate, even going as far as to pretend not to understand the way communicable diseases spread.

"At the end of the day though, it's about your health and whether you want that protection or not," DeSantis said. "It really doesn't impact me or anyone else."

See what I mean? How can I guy with two Ivy League degrees imagine that an airborne-spread virus doesn't impact the people who interact with the infected person?

The only logical explanation is that DeSantis was making himself willfully stupid.

And in the process, DeSantis changed his own language when it came to referring to the vaccines he had only recently been calling life saving and urging everybody to get.

DeSantis adopts anti-vax language

These days, DeSantis routinely avoids the word "vaccine", and has instead opted for the language of vaccination skeptics.

He refers to COVID-19 vaccines now as "jabs."

Here's just a sampler of DeSantis statements from this month:

• "No cop, no firefighter, no nurse should be losing their jobs because of these jabs."

• "We've gone from 15 days to slow the spread, to three jabs to keep your job. If you don't give resistance to this, they're going to absolutely do more."

• "Nobody should be forced to choose between a jab and a job."

DeSantis ought to know better. I'll bet that former Naval officer De-Santis already chose between "a jab and a job" himself. I don't remember anybody asking me in the Navy if I wanted to exercise my individual prerogative to opt out of the many vaccinations I received.

The Navy, which has lost 164 sailors due to the COVID-19 virus, has already announced that it will discharge anybody who refuses to get vaccinated by the deadline date it set.

Remarkably, DeSantis is offering $5,000 bonuses for unvaccinated police officers from other states to move here. And by encouraging other frontline workers to resist getting vaccinated, he's putting the public they encounter, and their co-workers, at risk.

This week, DeSantis has convened a special session of the Florida Legislature. He's trying to get Florida to opt out of federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations that require businesses with more than 100 employees to demand their employees be vaccinated against COVID- 19.

For DeSantis, it's just another way of undermining vaccinations — this time, using the excuse of "saving jobs" — and misrepresenting the science along the way.

"We have firefighters, cops, people that work in all kinds of industries for private businesses that have been working this entire time," DeSantis said this week. "Many of them, as I have mentioned, already have immunity through prior infection."

"The bottom line is this shouldn't be something that is coerced on people."

Claiming that people who have been already infected with COVID-19 don't need to be immunized is contrary to the position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"You should be vaccinated regardless of whether you already had COVID-19," the CDC advises.

The reason, the CDC says, is that there's not enough research to show how long a prior infection will protect you from getting COVID-19 again.

And more importantly, there's evidence that the vaccine offers better protection from infection than a prior infection.

"Evidence is emerging that people get better protection by being fully vaccinated compared with having had COVID- 19," the CDC reported. "One study showed that unvaccinated people who already had COVID-19 are more than two times as likely than fully vaccinated people to get COVID-19 again."

DeSantis is now a high-volume vector of misinformation on vaccines.

What happened to that Gov. DeSantis in July, the one who urged everybody to get vaccinated? He's a distant memory. Now, we have a governor who degrades the best public health measure we have by misrepresenting its benefits and characterizing it by its most inconsequential negative aspect: the little prick you feel in your arm.


Frank Cerabino

Columnist Palm Beach Post USA TODAY NETWORK

fcerabino@gannett.com @FranklyFlorida

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