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Bà Thứ Trưởng Ngoại Giao Victoria Nuland đã thú nhận

Subject: ***_nước_Mỹ_đang _ăn_quả_đắng_vì nghiệp_ác_-_phá_ hoại_các_nước_...
From: Mike Wilson
Date: Tue, October 10, 2017 11:33 am

Bà Thứ Trưởng Ngoại Giao Victoria Nuland đã thú nhận, trong 20 năm qua, Mỹ đã chi 5 tỉ đô la cho phong trào chống đối tại Ukraine, dẫn tới lật đổ TT hợp pháp Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych, chia cắt Ukraine, và Crimea đòi trở về đất mẹ Nga .

Crimea trong lịch sử là đất của Nga, và đã trở về Nga qua trưng cầu dân ý hòa bình .



electronics N more3 years ago (edited)
You have to love how the USA makes it sound like everything is about humanitarianism, and that they actually care about the people. LOL (Laugh Out Loud). What brainwashed idiots. The USA was clearly behind the Ukraine govt. overthrow, has an agenda, and could care less about Ukrainians. Clearly Nuland has an MBA degree. Master Bullshit Artist. LOL - Look at the Chevron logo on the door. Now you know what this is all about.

A Ax3 years ago
Chevron's banner to the right...just to show who is the boss here...

Tham vọng của Mỹ tại Ukraine bị ngăn chặn, Mỹ cay cú, cấm vận Nga, đòi cô lập Nga, bóp Nga cho chết!

Thêm vào đó, cũng như nó đã từng làm tại Ukraine, Mỹ đổ tiền vào Nga, cho các "tổ chức dân sự, phi chính phủ" để huấn luyện và xúi giục dân Nga chia rẽ, làm phản, biểu tình tại các thành phố mỗi khi Nga có bầu cử .
Nga không giàu bằng Mỹ, hiển nhiên, nhưng họ phải phản công để tự vệ, bằng "du kích nhà nghèo" đánh vào hệ thống bầu cử của Mỹ .

Trong khi Mỹ bỏ ra hàng tỉ đô la để phá hoại các nước khác, thì đối với nước Mỹ, nước Nga chỉ bỏ ra vài trăm ngàn đô để gây chia rẽ và làm hỏng hóc bầu cử TT 2016 (!)
Google, Twittter và Facebook đã khui ra bằng chứng, có một mặt trận rộng từ nhiều nguồn khác nhau ở Nga tung tiền ra mua các trang thông tin của Google, Twitter và Facebook để phát tán tuyên truyền "chống Clinton và ủng hộ Trump", thậm chí xúi các bang như Texas, California ly khai !!!

Đây là thực tại chính trị dưới cõi trần :
Có chơi, có chịu :
Anh đánh, thì người ta phải đánh trả - thắng hay thua, tính sau, hạ hồi phân giải !

chiến tranh du kích nhà nghèo
ông cầm gậy nó (Google, Facebook), một lèo ông phang !

ai bảo chúng dám chơi ngang ?
âm mưu chia cắt tan hoang nước này (Nga) ...?
khôn hồn một lũ chúng bay :
còng lưng cõng nó (Trump), từ rày biết thân !
thằng này (Trump) lớ ngớ tham, sân, (si) :
muốn gì ? ông hãy còn gân đây nè !!!
... xông vào ? ông cứ chẻ tre !!!

Trạng Móc
viết thay Vladimir Putin

Google uncovers Russian-bought ads on YouTube, Gmail and other platforms

By Elizabeth Dwoskin, Adam Entous and Craig Timberg

SAN FRANCISCO — Google for the first time has uncovered evidence that Russian operatives exploited the company’s platforms in an attempt to interfere in the 2016 election, according to people familiar with the company's investigation.
The Silicon Valley giant has found that tens of thousands of dollars were spent on ads by Russian agents who aimed to spread disinformation across Google’s many products, which include YouTube, as well as advertising associated with Google search, Gmail, and the company’s DoubleClick ad network, the people said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss matters that have not been made public. Google runs the world’s largest online advertising business, and YouTube is the world’s largest online video site.
[Facebook to turn over thousands of Russian ads to Congress, reversing decision]
The discovery by Google is also significant because the ads do not appear to be from the same Kremlin-affiliated troll farm that bought ads on Facebook -- a sign that the Russian effort to spread disinformation online may be a much broader problem than Silicon Valley companies have unearthed so far.

Google previously downplayed the problem of Russian meddling on its platforms. Last month, Google spokeswoman Andrea Faville told The Washington Post that the company is "always monitoring for abuse or violations of our policies and we've seen no evidence this type of ad campaign was run on our platforms."
Nevertheless, Google launched an investigation into the matter, as Congress pressed technology companies to determine how Russian operatives used social media, online advertising, and other digital tools to influence the 2016 presidential contest and foment discord in U.S. society.
On Monday, the company issued a statement saying, "We have a set of strict ads policies including limits on political ad targeting and prohibitions on targeting based on race and religion. We are taking a deeper look to investigate attempts to abuse our systems, working with researchers and other companies, and will provide assistance to ongoing inquiries."
The people familiar with Google's investigation said that the company is looking at a set of ads that cost less than $100,000 and that it is still sorting out whether all of the ads came from trolls or whether some originated from legitimate Russian accounts.
To date, Google has mostly avoided the scrutiny that has fallen on its rival Facebook. The social network recently shared about 3,000 Russian-bought ads with Congressional investigators that were purchased by operatives associated with the Internet Research Agency, a Russian-government affiliated troll farm, the company has said.

Meanwhile, Twitter said that it shut down 201 accounts associated with the Internet Research Agency. It also disclosed that the account for the news site RT (Russia Today), which the company linked to the Kremlin, spent $274,100 on its platform in 2016. Twitter has not said how many times the Russian disinformation was shared. The company is investigating that matter and trying to map the relationship between Russian accounts and well-known media personalities as well as influencers associated with the campaigns of Donald Trump and other candidates, said a person familiar with Twitter's internal investigation. RT also has a sizeable presence on YouTube.
Both Facebook and Twitter say Kremlin-linked organizations used their platforms to try and influence voters during the 2016 election. Here's how. (The Washington Post)
Twitter declined to comment for this story.
Executives for Facebook and Twitter will testify before Congressional investigators on Nov. 1. Google has not said whether it will accept a similar invitation to do so.
U.S. intelligence agencies concluded in January that Russian president Vladmir Putin intervened in the U.S. election to help Donald Trump win. But Silicon Valley companies have received little assistance from the intelligence community, people familiar with the companies' probes said.
Google discovered the Russian presence on its platforms by siphoning data from another technology company, Twitter, the people familiar with Google's investigation said. Twitter offers outsiders the ability to access a small amount of historical tweets for free, and charges developers for access to the entire Twitter fire-hose of data stemming back to 2006.
Google downloaded the data from Twitter and was able to link Russian Twitter accounts to other accounts that had used Google’s services to buy ads, the people said. This was done without the explicit cooperation of Twitter, the people said.
Google's probe is still in its early stages, the people said. The number of ads posted and the number of times those ads were clicked on could not be learned. Google is continuing to examine its own records and is also sharing data with Facebook. Twitter and Google have not cooperated with one another in their investigations.
Read more:
Analysis from The Fix: Russia exploited America’s racial division problem in the election, and it hasn’t gotten better
How the GOP's new budget plan could actually increase the federal deficit
Russian government hackers used antivirus software to steal U.S. cyber capabilities

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