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Năm tới, 2018, tiền mua Bảo Hiểm Y Tế của tôi tăng 500 đô la

From: Mike Wilson
Date: Sun, Dec 24, 2017 9:17 pm

Những kẻ ủng hộ Trump và đảng Cộng Hòa chỉ sung sướng và vui mừng khi họ được giảm thuế vài chục bạc mỗi kỳ lương nhưng họ không có cái nhìn tổng quan:

- bang Kansas đã thử nghiệm ngụy thuyết "giảm thuế để doanh nghiệp làm kinh tế tăng mạnh" và đã té ngã sấp mặt, sau cùng phải hủy bỏ cách này !

> If states are, as Justice Louis Brandeis famously called them, the laboratories of democracy, then Kansas’s experiment in conservative tax reform set off an explosion of red ink. Steep cuts for businesses and individuals failed to produce a promised economic boom, and busted the state’s budget instead. Now, the GOP legislators that oversaw—and ultimately cancelled—that fiscal study are increasingly worried that Washington will ignore its central finding.

Theo luật thuế mới của Trump và đồng bọn :

- người càng giàu càng được giảm nhiều thuế:
dân trung lưu được giảm 1,6% trong khi đó dân giàu được giảm từ 2,7% đến 3,4%

- chỉ dân giàu (chủ doanh nghiệp) mới thực sự được giảm thuế vĩnh viễn, ai không giàu sẽ phải đóng thêm thuế sau 8 năm, vì điều lệ giảm thuế này sẽ hết hạn vào năm 2025.

- lúc đầu Trump và đồng bọn định giảm thuế và gây thiếu hụt ngân quĩ đến 5,5 ngàn tỉ đô la !! Sau, do phe Dân Chủ thông tin cho dân, và người dân vào trong cả Quốc Hội phản đối dữ dội, bọn chúng mới giảm thuế bớt đi, để chỉ gây thiếu hụt ngân quĩ 1,5 ngàn tỉ đô la trong 10 năm

- với thiếu hụt này, đảng Cộng Hòa sẽ dùng điều lệ PAYGO để tự động cắt giảm các chương trình quyền lợi của dân, đồng thời đổ lỗi cho đảng Dân Chủ: "vì chiều lòng dân mà gây ra thiếu hụt ngân quĩ" (trong khi chính chúng gây ra !!!)

- năm 2018, 1/5 dân lớp giữa (trung lưu) sẽ được huởng lợi 11% từ tiền giảm thuế, trong khi đó 1% dân giàu nhất sẽ huởng lợi 21%

- đến năm 2027, dân giàu nhất sẽ huởng lợi 83%, trong khi đó hầu hết mọi người dân phải đóng thêm thuế hơn xưa, so với năm 2017 !!!
(đây là chỗ tiểu xảo, đểu giả, gian manh của bọn giàu, "tham thì thâm" !!!)

- năm 2018, 1/5 lớp dân ở giữa (trung lưu) sẽ chỉ được giảm thuế bình quân 930 đô la, nghĩa là không được bao nhiêu, vì nếu lĩnh lương 2 lần trong 1 tháng, thì mỗi lần lương chỉ dôi ra thêm được 38,75 đô la !

- những con số trên dựa vào tính toán của Bộ Tài Chánh (Treasury) và Trung Tâm Chính Sách Thuế, một cơ quan trung lập, không đảng phái, non-partisan .

*** Trump còn nói dối thêm 2 vụ nữa :

- Y khoác lác rằng đã lén lút "gỡ bỏ được Obamacare" bằng cách nhét vào luật thuế một điều lệ không còn bắt dân phải mua bảo hiểm y tế nữa.
Làm như vậy thì khoảng 11 triệu dân sẽ không có Bảo Hiểm Y Tế (BHYT), giá tiền mua bảo hiểm của dân sẽ tăng lên.

Mặt khác, các điều khoản của BHYT Obamacare vẫn còn:
bành trướng Medicaid cho dân nghèo, bảo vệ cho người sẵn có bệnh vẫn được quyền mua BHYT, dân nghèo mua BHYT giá thấp, hãng BHYT được đền bù (subsidized), hãng BHYT phải cung cấp dịch vụ thiết yếu (không cắt bỏ dịch vụ để tăng lợi nhuận), các doanh nghiệp lớn phải giúp công nhân mua BHYT.

- Trump và đồng lõa hèn mạt đánh phá BHYT Obamacare, cho dù việc phá hoại của chúng khiến mọi người dân phải mua bảo hiểm với giá tăng cao !!!

Năm tới, 2018, tiền mua BHYT của tôi tăng 500 đô la, mà tôi làm cho hãng lớn của Mỹ với nhiều ngàn công nhân !!

- một dối trá nữa của Trump, là nói dối vô trách nhiệm về các vị TT tiền nhiệm : "họ kềm giữ năng lượng Mỹ bằng cả khóa lẫn chìa" ("they keep American energy under lock and key")

Sự thật là, dưới thời TT Obama, năng lượng bùng phát, lần đầu tiên Mỹ sản xuất dầu hỏa nhiều hơn lượng nhập khẩu, do phát triển công nghệ khai thác dầu đá phiến (fracking)

TT G. W. Bush cũng không chống đối công nghệ năng lượng.
Còn công nghệ than đi xuống là vì không cạnh tranh nổi với công nghệ khí đốt.

- Còn nữa, Trump lại còn láo lếu rằng :
"chúng ta để ngỏ biên giới thật rộng" ("we left our borders wide open")

Sự thật là nước Mỹ dưới thời TT nào cũng có lính canh giữ biên giới, có các thủ tục rà soát di dân gắt gao, và có chính sách tống xuất di dân bất hợp pháp !!

TT Obama đã được mệnh danh là "thủ lãnh tống xuất", "deporter in chief",
và dưới thời ông, hơn 2 triệu di dân đã bị tống xuất, trung bình mỗi năm là 250 ngàn di dân, và nhịp độ này cao hơn năm đầu của chính Donald Trump !!!

Mỗi lần Trump mở miệng là y nói láo,

Trump có biệt tài: nói láo mà vẻ mặt thành khẩn như đang nói thật !!!
(tôi đã nhiều lần xem nó "mửa gian dối" trên TV mà cứ tưởng như đang xem một kẻ thành khẩn xưng tội, thú tội !)

Chính vì vậy mà dân Mỹ gọi y là "Liar in Chief", "Chánh Láo", "Chánh Xạo", "Chánh Dối", "Dóc Tổ" !!!


AP FACT CHECK: Tax plan shows 2 things can be true at once

WASHINGTON (AP) — Two things can be true at once. President Donald Trump's tax overhaul is slanted to the rich, as Democrats say and Republicans like to ignore. It also comes with tax cuts for average people, which Democrats bypass in slamming Trump's "betrayal" of the middle class.

Trump's signing of the tax bill into law Friday capped a week also marked by a national security speech in which Trump misrepresented the records of his predecessors in his ceaseless effort to claim achievements that in many cases remain ambitions.

A look at statements by a variety of political players over the past week:

TRUMP: "The bottom line is, this is the biggest tax cuts and reform in the history of our country. This is bigger than, actually, President Reagan's many years ago." — remarks to reporters Friday.

THE FACTS: Not so, in either case. For months Trump has refused to recognize larger tax cuts in history, of which there have been many, or to grant that other presidents have enacted big tax cuts since Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. The White House won't explain how he arrives at his (false) conclusion.

An October analysis by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget found that it would (only) be the eighth biggest since 1918. As a percentage of the total economy, Reagan's 1981 cut is the biggest followed by the 1945 rollback of taxes that financed World War II. Trump's plan is also smaller than cuts in 1948, 1964 and 1921, and probably in other years.

Additionally, a Treasury Department analysis found Reagan's 1981 tax cut had an annual average cost of nearly 2 percent of GDP. This would translate into roughly $400 billion in today's dollars. The tax cuts peak at $280 billion in 2019.

Valued at $1.5 trillion over 10 years, the plan is indeed large and expensive. But it's much smaller than originally intended. Back in the spring, it was shaping up as a $5.5 trillion package. Even then it would have only been the third largest since 1940 as a share of gross domestic product. The government uses percentage of GDP to measure most budget and tax issues over time because that measure puts tax revenues and federal outlays in context relative to the entire economy.

VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: "You're delivering on that middle-class miracle." (??? Pence stuck his nose all the way inside Trump's asshole !!! nth-fl)— to Trump at a Cabinet meeting Wednesday.

THE FACTS: Modest doesn't usually make for a miracle. Pence's praise to the boss reflects Trump's assertion that "it's a tax bill for the middle class," as he often put it, but average people are not the prime beneficiaries of the tax cuts. Aside from businesses, rich people get the most.

The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimates the biggest benefit of the new law will go to households making $308,000 to $733,000. Households making over that should get a tax cut worth 3.4 percent of their after-tax income. For the richest 0.1 percent (making over $3.4 million), the tax cut should be worth 2.7 percent of their after-tax income. For middle-income earners: 1.6 percent, the center estimates.

Moreover, only high-income people would get a meaningful tax cut after 2025, when nearly all of the plan's individual income tax provisions are due to expire.
Republicans argue that the middle class will also see benefits from the business tax cuts, in the form of more jobs and higher wages(debatable and unproven. nth-fl)
DEMOCRATIC SEN. CHARLES SCHUMER: "Their bill increases taxes on lots of middle-class people. ... According to the Tax Policy Center, the top 1 percent of earners in our country gets 83 percent of the benefits." — remarks Tuesday.

THE FACTS: The tax cuts are not nearly as lopsided as many Democrats are portraying them. Almost all of the middle class would initially pay less in taxes.

For the next eight years, the vast majority of middle-class taxpayers — those earning between $49,000 and $86,000 — will receive a tax cut, albeit a small one. In 2018, nine-tenths of the middle class will get a cut, according to the Tax Policy Center. In 2025, 87 percent will. The tax cut won't be very big: just $930 next year for the middle one-fifth of taxpayers, the center's analysis concludes. For those paid twice a month, that's about $40 a paycheck.

Schumer and other Democrats who have blasted the plan as a middle-class betrayal are basing their assertions on the fact that nearly all personal tax cuts expire after 2025. That would result in a slight tax increase for about two-thirds of the middle class by 2027. The top 1 percent would still get a cut that year.

Only in 2027 do the wealthiest taxpayers get 83 percent of the benefit, as Schumer says. In 2018, roughly 21 percent of the tax cut's benefits go to the richest 1 percent, a much smaller figure, though still a disproportionate share. Just 11 percent will go to the middle one-fifth.
REP. NANCY PELOSI, House Democratic leader: "86 million middle class families get a tax hike." — tweet Wednesday.

THE FACTS: She's ignoring all the middle-class tax cuts before 2027; that year, (2027) taxes will be slightly higher for the middle class unless the cuts are extended.
TRUMP on his tax legislation: "Obamacare has been repealed in this bill." — remarks Wednesday.

THE FACTS: It hasn't. The tax plan ends fines for people who don't carry health insurance. That's a major change but far from the dismantling of the health law.

Other marquee components of Barack Obama's law remain, such as the Medicaid expansion serving low-income adults, protections that shield people with pre-existing medical conditions from being denied coverage or charged higher premiums, income-based subsidies for consumers buying individual health insurance policies, the requirement that insurers cover "essential" health benefits, and the mandate that larger employers provide (partial) coverage to their workers or face fines.

Also, the tax law doesn't repeal fines for uninsured individuals until the start of 2019, meaning the "individual mandate" is still in force for next year unless the administration acts to waive the penalties.

TRUMP: "When the individual mandate is being repealed, that means Obamacare is being repealed because they get their money from the individual mandate." — remarks Wednesday.

THE FACTS: This is also wrong. The fines on people who don't carry health insurance only provide a small fraction of the financing for the program. Most of the money comes from higher taxes on upper-income people, cuts in Medicare payments to service providers, and other tax increases.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated that fines from uninsured people would total $3 billion this year, while the government's cost for the coverage provided under the health law would total about $117 billion.

TRUMP on his predecessors: "They put American energy under lock and key." — speech Monday.

THE FACTS: On the contrary, energy production was unleashed (vastly increased) during Obama's presidency, largely because of advances in hydraulic fracturing that made it economical to tap vast reserves of natural gas. Oil production also greatly increased, reducing imports. Before the presidential election last year, the U.S. for the first time in decades was getting more energy domestically than it imports. The government estimated this year that the U.S. could switch from being a net importer of energy to being a net exporter as early as 2019, depending on what happens to oil prices, energy resources and economic growth.

Trump, a Republican, has rolled back some obstacles for the coal industry, which indeed complained of overregulation by Obama, a Democrat. But coal's decline in recent years was driven mainly by competition from cheap natural gas.

Despite his rhetoric about U.S. energy production, one of Trump's most consequential actions as president has been to open the U.S. to another source of foreign oil, with his approval of the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada.

Obama's two-term predecessor, Republican George W. Bush, was no adversary of the energy industry. Neither president put energy "under lock and key." (Trump lied, again and again . nth-fl)

TRUMP: "Over the profound objections of the American people, our politicians left our borders wide open." (?) — speech Monday.

THE FACTS: Even as literary license, "wide open" does not describe the border enforcement, refugee vetting or deportation record of recent years, however flawed some controls might have been.

Trump's get-tough push has had some effect: Far fewer people have been trying to sneak across the border and more people already in the U.S. illegally have been arrested. But critics once slammed Obama as "deporter in chief." Agents deported more than 2 million immigrants during the eight years Obama was in office, more than in previous administrations. They sent back 409,000 in 2012 alone, a record.

More than 240,000 people were deported in Obama's final budget year. Trump-era deportations have slightly lagged (been under, lower) that pace for most of his first year, despite unquestionably aggressive enforcement. One likely factor: With fewer people sneaking in, there may be fewer to send back home. But the gates were far from ajar before Trump took office.

TRUMP tweet Monday, knocking the media for refusing to say "Republicans are 5-0 in Congressional Races this year."

THE FACTS: That's because they aren't. In this year's House elections, the score is 5-1 for Republicans. Democrats held a California seat.

Add the Alabama Senate election, and the scorecard is 5-2.

Trump had boasted before the Senate race about a 5-0 scorecard this year. He chanted "Five and 0" at an Iowa rally in June — but the real tally then was 4-1.
Also in his tweet, Trump said he knew Republicans would lose the governor's race in Virginia and the Alabama Senate race. Publicly, he'd predicted a Republican win in Alabama (and he was wrong ! nth-fl).

Find AP Fact Checks at https://apnews.com/tag/APFactCheck
Associated Press writers Josh Boak and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar contributed to this report.

Stea 1 hr ago
I can tell you exactly how this is going to play out: The Righties are going to scream in joy at their pretty, hundred-dollar tax cuts and run around yelling, "TRRRRRRUMMMMP!!!". The Koch brothers are going to get their billion-dollar tax cuts, smile quietly, and cut big, fat checks to the Republican Party with the message, "Keep the cuts coming" scrawled in the message line. The cuts aren't going to produce the bonanza of economic growth that the Republicans have rosily predicted. And the cuts are going to be paid for by massive cuts to social services (which will affect many Trump voters) and a ballooning deficit. Not to mention how the Republicans torpedoed the insurance market by scuttling Obamacare's "individual mandate" with the bill, which is expected to drive prices up next year by double-digits. That hundred dollar tax cut for the Trumplings? It'll evaporate almost immediately in the face of all that. And then, starting in 2025, the individual tax cuts start to get rolled back. That precious hundred-dollar "windfall" for the Righties will go "bye bye", and leave them with a higher tax rate than they have now. And I guarantee you, when that day arrives, they'll scream at liberals, and blame leftists, Democrats, "welfare queens", and "lazy people" for the Right's own stupid policymaking. Just in time for the Republican Party to unveil a new, grand tax cut package.

Bob from Tennessee 3 min ago
For me, it means receiving a refund instead of having to pay like I have during Obama's reign. I'm originally from WV and coal is back in business and thousands of people are back to work there. AP downplays the benefits Trump has brought us and exaggerates everything else. The tax plan will expire in 2025 but that is because of Congressional mandate - not a failure of President Trump. That was done so we have to revisit our tax plan periodically and adjust as needed.

(how nice ! and every time the republicans revisit it, they want to cut more taxes, create more deficit, and cut more social services, until the country is bankrupt with no safety net for the people - and huge wealth for the rich ... and chaos and revolution will follow ... how nice to plan ahead as republicans, slaves and servers of the rich !!! nth-fl)

JustMe 35 min ago
Trumptax is too similar to the trickle-down tax experiment that nearly bankrupted Kansas and greatly harmed their citizens, education, infrastructure, public safety, and other systems. It had to be repealed (in Kansas).

JRF 55 min ago
Everyone gets a tax break. The poorer you are, the less you get. Then in year five you pay more. Corporations don't. This is called trickle down and in the history of this made-up economic theory it has never worked -- see Kansas. See Bush-era recession. No revenue is generated for schools, roads, health, bridges, police, art projects. Public parks and buildings deteriorate.

Peajinker 1 hr ago
This is what you get when you have a federal government that answers to the big-money boys instead of we the people. And this is why America continues to have the best government corporate money can buy.

wayne 20 min ago
The FACT of the matter is that the Trump administration just took out a huge loan they didn't need, in order to give corporations and the wealthy extra money they don't need. In what way does our country need an economic stimulus? Corporations have have profits increase by about 60% in the last five years. Unemployment is under 5% and has been for months on end. Job growth is at about 70 months and hanging on. We could use some significant wage increases for the average worker, but this bill mandates nothing like that. Instead it increases a massive deficit so the GOP can blame and cut entitlement programs (Medicade, medicare, welfare, Social Security,etc.) , while continuing to work at creating a two level economic society: the haves and the have-nots. Which side do you think you're going to be on?

gman 9 min ago
Millionaire liberal Democrat politicians so out of touch with their centrist base. $40 twice a month means I can go out to eat, fill up the gas tank, or put groceries on the table. That almost $1000 a year feels a lot better in my pocket than letting politicians tell me what pork project they are going to waste it on.

Stea 9 min ago
(@gman): you're clueless. While you're gloating over your forty bucks, Trump is getting a billion back. And that forty bucks isn't going to be very helpful once Trump finishes shifting the tax burden to you. Heck, his sabotage of Obamacare alone will probably eat that 40 bucks (which you will have to use to pay for higher health insurance premiums) and then some.

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● 2024-05-13 - Giáo Hoàng Francis nói JESUS SỐNG LẠI DƯỚI DẠNG HỒN MA, BÓNG QUẾ - Ri Nguyễn -

● 2024-05-12 - Giáo Hoàng Francis nói JESUS SỐNG LẠI DƯỚI DẠNG HỒN MA, BÓNG QUẾ - Ri Nguyễn -

● 2024-04-21 - KHÔNG BIẾT NHỤC - Một Nhóm Việt Nam vinh danh các lính Hàn trong chiến tranh Việt Nam! - SH sưu tầm -

● 2024-04-19 - “CỬA LÒ - KHÁT VỌNG TOẢ SÁNG” - Nguyễn Tiến Trung -

● 2024-04-16 - Bất bình trước sự san bằng, trộn lẫn CHÍNH /TÀ của những người mù sử: HOÀNG NAM - Chủ kênh Challenge Me - FB Lý Thái Xuân -

● 2024-04-01 - Phim ĐÀO PHỞ & PIANO -Tại sao không nên đánh dấu người yêu nước bằng biểu hiệu của một tập thể thiểu số - Lý Thái Xuân -

● 2024-03-21 - CHỐNG CỘNG: Chuyện cười ra nước mắt ở Sở Học Chánh Tacoma, Wa - Lý Thái Xuân -

● 2024-03-09 - Tổng thống Nga, Vladimir Putin đọc thông điệp gửi Quốc hội Liên bang (29/2/2024) - Gò Vấp -

● 2024-03-09 - Các hoạt động của Mặt Trận Việt Nam Công Giáo Cứu Quốc trong những năm 1942-1954 - trích Hồi ký Nguyễn Đình Minh -

● 2024-03-08 - Hồi ký lịch sử 1942-1954 - Liên Quan đến Giám mục Lê Hữu Từ, Khu tự trị Phát Diệm, Công Giáo Cứu Quốc - VNTQ/ Khôi Nguyên Nguyễn Đình Thư -

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