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Vụ thông gian với người Nga - Đây mới chỉ là một mảng nổi của tảng băng sơn

Subject:***_báo_Bloomberg: làm_sáng_tỏ_bằng chứng phe Trump thông gian với Nga_!!
From: Mike Wilson
Date: Mon, November 06, 2017 12:08 pm

Đây mới chỉ là một mảng nổi của tảng băng sơn mà phần chìm đang nằm trong vòng điều tra của đội ngũ làm việc cho ông tư vấn đặc biệt Bob Mueller, và của lưỡng viện Quốc Hội . Chắc chắn sẽ còn nhiều nữa.

Natalia Veselnitskaya, luật sư người Nga, là chuyên viên xin-cho (lobbyist) đại diện cho những viên chức quyền uy thế lực của Nga .

Sứ mạng của bà là yêu cầu nhà nước Mỹ gỡ bỏ luật Magnitsky trừng phạt một số quan chức Nga - tuy bề ngoài không có vẻ dính líu đến chính trị nước Mỹ.

Bà ấy dùng chiến thuật nhử mồi rồi đánh tráo (trao đổi)
mồi nhử : tôi có tin bẩn để hãm hại bà Clinton đánh tráo (trao đổi): tôi muốn các ông gỡ bỏ luật Magnitsky .

Trump Con Jr. bắt mồi , quyết định đến họp với bà này, mang theo Jared Kushner và Paul Manafort. Trong buổi họp, bà Veselnitskaya trao đổi, nêu điều kiện :
Tôi muốn chính quyền các ông gỡ bỏ luật Magnitsky.

Trump Con chần chờ: Chuyện đó còn lâu mới giải quyết được ...
Rồi nó xoay sang "con mồi" :

Bà có tin bẩn gì về Hillary Clinton - bà cho tôi được không ?
Bà Veselnitskaya thấy không có gì hứa chắc cho bà, liền đổi giọng : Rất tiếc, tôi không có gì cho các ông (cho đến khi nào các ông hứa chắc - làm được việc cho tôi, nếu ông Trump lên làm Tổng Thống .)

Cuộc họp chẳng đi đến đâu.
Con rễ Trump, Kushner và Manafort đều ĐỒNG LÕA THÔNG GIAN với người Nga
- có chứng cớ mưu toan làm bậy - với tư cách "không là viên chức chính thức" của Mỹ trong khi Donald Trump chỉ là ứng viên TT .

Chúng đáng bị bỏ kho - để làm gương cho kẻ khác !
Donald Trump đáng bị truất phế vì tội ngăn cản công lý, bao che đồng phạm,
đuổi việc ông James Comey (vì không chịu ngưng điều tra), vi phạm lời thề bảo vệ Hiến pháp Mỹ .

Cuộc điều tra sẽ khui ra nhiều nữa ...
Nếu Donald Trump đuổi việc ông Bob Mueller để bóp nghẹt điều tra thì nền "dân chủ" Mỹ sẽ lâm vào khủng hoảng trầm trọng ...

Bà Veselnitskaya tình nguyện khai báo công khai với các ủy ban điều tra của lưỡng viện Quốc Hội, và với ông tư vấn đặc biệt Bob Mueller.

Tuy nhiên, với chính phủ Mỹ, khi cuộc điều tra đang tiến hành trong vòng bí mật thì mọi khai báo phải giữ bí mật (như của George Papadopoulos)
cho đến khi hoàn tất, tổng kết, và công khai kết quả.


Natalia Veselnitskaya, a Russian lawyer, is a lobbyist; her mission is to ask the U.S. government to repeal the Magnitsky law
which targets specific Russian officials in a case seemingly unrelated to American politics.

She used a bait-and-switch tactics :

her bait : I have dirt on Clinton
her switch : repeal the Magnitsky law

Trump Jr. took the bait : he decided to attend the meeting and brought along Kushner and Manafort.

At the meeting, Veselnitskaya turned on the switch :
I want the Magnitsky law repealed.

Trump Jr. played for time :
this repeal may take sometime down the road, (I'll do it, but ...)
then he turned to the bait : where is the dirt on Clinton ?

Veselnitskaya, not having secured the repeal of the Magnisky law, held back : sorry, I don't have any dirt on Clinton for you now (unless and until you promise me to repeal the law , if and when your Dad wins)

The meeting fell apart .

Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort are GUILTY OF COLLUSION with the Russians
(with proven intent) as non-officials of the U.S. Government
- even when Trump was just a candidate for president.

They deserve to be in jail - to set an example for others.

Donald Trump deserves to be impeached for obstruction of justice,
trying to cover up the crime, firing James Comey (FBI Director),
violating the oath to uphold the Constitution.

The investigation will bring to light much, much more.

If Donald Trump fires Special Counsel Bob Mueller
to stifle the investigation, the so-called American "democracy"
will fall into a severe crisis ...


Trump Jr. Hinted at Review of Anti-Russia Law, Moscow Lawyer Says

Irina Reznik, Henry Meyer
A Russian lawyer who met with President Donald Trump’s oldest son last year says he indicated that a law targeting Russia could be re-examined if his father won the election and asked her for written evidence that illegal proceeds went to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
The lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, said in a two-and-a-half-hour interview in Moscow that she would tell these and other things to the Senate Judiciary Committee on condition that her answers be made public, something it hasn’t agreed to (because the investigations have to be done in secret, away from the public limelight . nth-fl). She has received scores of questions from the committee, which is investigating possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. Veselnitskaya said she’s also ready -- if asked -- to testify to Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Her June 9, 2016 encounter with Donald Trump Jr., President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and then campaign manager Paul Manafort in New York plays a key role in allegations that the campaign worked with Russia to defeat Clinton.
Veselnitskaya said she went to New York to show Trump campaign officials that major Democratic donors had evaded U.S. taxes and to lobby against the so-called Magnitsky law that punishes Russian officials for the murder of a Russian tax accountant who accused the Kremlin of corruption.

"If We Come to Power"

“Looking ahead, if we come to power, we can return to this issue and think what to do about it," Trump Jr. said of the 2012 law, she recalled. “I understand our side may have messed up, but it’ll take a long time to get to the bottom of it,” he added, according to her.
Veselnitskaya also said Trump Jr. requested financial documents showing that money that allegedly evaded U.S. taxes had gone to Clinton’s campaign. She didn’t have any and described the 20-minute meeting as a failure.
A lawyer for Trump Jr., Alan Futerfas, said the president’s son had no comment about the interview, the first time Veselnitskaya has offered details about what was discussed at Trump Tower in Manhattan. In the past, Trump Jr. has said that he had wasted his time seeing the lawyer because she provided no useful information (to smear Clinton).
The meeting took place after British publicist Rob Goldstone contacted Trump Jr. on behalf of Veselnitskaya to request it, describing her as a Russian government lawyer who had information and documents that would incriminate Clinton.
“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump," Goldstone wrote in an email to Trump Jr.
"I Love It"

“If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer," Trump Jr. replied almost immediately.
Veselnitskaya says she told the president’s son she had information that Clinton’s campaign may have received some of almost $1 billion the wealthy Ziff brothers gained from Russian investments that allegedly evaded U.S. taxes.
She says she was acting in a private capacity and not as a Russian government representative. But there is evidence of an official imprimatur: She brought to the meeting a four-page talking-points memorandum in English that contained very similar information to a document she had provided to the office of Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika in 2015, both of which were obtained by Bloomberg News. Alexander Kurennoy, the spokesman for the prosecutor general’s office, declined to comment.
In April last year, Veselnitskaya took part in a meeting with a visiting congressional delegation headed by Representative Dana Rohrabacher, a California Republican with close ties to Russia, that was attended by a senior (American) prosecution official. There she raised the allegations about the Ziff brothers’ money. President Vladimir Putin has recently made the same argument.
Veselnitskaya is defending a Russian businessman in the U.S. on a money-laundering case related to the Magnitsky law. It was settled out of court this year without an admission of guilt.
Magnitsky Law

This law, which Veselnitskaya has been campaigning against, targets Russian officials in retaliation for the death of Sergei Magnitsky, a tax accountant who worked for U.S.-born fund manager William Browder. His Hermitage Capital was once the biggest foreign-portfolio investor in Russia. Ziff Brothers Investments LLC invested in Russia with Browder using offshore entities, Veselnitskaya has said.
Magnitsky died in a Moscow prison in 2009 after uncovering what he said was a tax fraud that diverted $230 million of Russian state funds into the pockets of a handful of civil servants. The 2012 U.S. law named after him incensed the Kremlin, which then banned adoptions from Russia to the U.S., further straining ties between Washington and Moscow.
Ziff Brothers Contributions

Ziff Brothers Investments has contributed to Republicans and Democrats since the 2012 election cycle, according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics. It gave between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Global Initiative and made modest donations to the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
A spokesman for the Ziff family said it had no comment.
In the interview, Veselnitskaya said she sent her memo to Goldstone in advance so Trump Jr. could familiarize himself with the issues, but he seemed not to have done so. When she began laying out the case against the Ziffs, she said that he asked: “This money the Ziffs got from Russia, do you have any financial documents showing that this money went to Clinton’s campaign?”
She didn’t and the meeting quickly fell apart. Kushner left after a few minutes and Manafort appeared to have fallen asleep. “The meeting was a failure; none of us understood what the point of it had been," Veselnitskaya said, adding she had no further contacts with the Trump campaign.
Senator Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, has sent her more than 90 questions concerning the meeting, asking whether she knows Putin, Manafort and Kushner, and requesting information about Russian hacking and interference, she said. “That I definitely don’t have!” the lawyer said. “I made up my mind a long time ago: My testimony must be honest, full and public.”

Read more: Understanding the Trump-Russia Saga - QuickTake Q&A
Taylor Foy, a Grassley spokesman, said, “We are encouraged that she is planning to cooperate and look forward to receiving the information.” He wouldn’t comment on whether the committee would comply with her request to make her answers public.
Congressional investigators prefer not to release their private interviews and documents in the middle of an investigation. There’s nothing, however, that prevents Veselnitskaya from releasing whatever she wants on her own.
Veselnitskaya and the Russian businessman she’s representing in the New York case, Denis Katsyv, recently asked for permission to enter the U.S. to attend a hearing in the case against his company, Prevezon Holdings Ltd. Prevezon still hasn’t paid a $5.9 million settlement to the U.S. because under the terms of the out-of-court agreement it committed to transfer the funds only after the Netherlands released 3 million euros ($3.5 million) belonging to it that remain frozen.
Frozen Assets

The Dutch authorities unfroze the money at the U.S.’s request on Oct. 10 but froze it again because of a separate money-laundering investigation in the Netherlands, according to U.S. court filings. Prevezon said the Netherlands started the investigation in response to a complaint from Browder.
On Nov. 3, U.S. District Judge William Pauley rejected Prevezon’s request to order the federal government to allow Veselnitskaya and Katsyv into the U.S. to attend a hearing on Nov. 9 sought by prosecutors, who may file a request to enforce the terms of the agreement.
Without “strong proof” that the government’s denial was made “irrationally or in bad faith,” the judge said there is no basis for him to interfere with a decision that sits squarely within the purview of the Executive Branch. Veselnitskaya and Katsyv have now asked to testify by phone or video.

Oliver 2 hours ago
Putin's lawyer got a commitment and the election tampering went into high gear. How is that not collusion? Trumps are simply traitors.
TheGreatDotard 3 hours ago
Ha ha That's the definition of collusion. Assemble firing squads for the traitors.
Tom 16 minutes ago
Lock them all up. Make America great again.
Abe S. 17 minutes ago
Put the whole traitorous gang in jail for selling out the country to Russia, with Don the Con Chump (the Fool) the Traitor in Chief.
angry turd 15 minutes ago
It's illegal for non-government officials, like Jr., to negotiate US policy with foreign governments.
alex 2 hours ago
Typical Trump #$%$. Have a meeting to get "dirt" on someone because you lack honesty or integrity. When you don't get what you want, you close the meeting. #$%$ of the earth. BTW (by the way) - his "hint" at looking in to the Magnitsky Law shows that he was willing to bribe her with a future favor from the POTUS. Again, low rent, low integrity COLLUSION.
CFLIII 24 minutes ago
What made this pimple of a "man" think he had the authority to offer that - even if his father was going to win?
Joel 25 minutes ago
Well, there you go. Time to go get daddy Donny to help you figure out a new lie for this situation. What a bunch of arrogant traitors who think they can get away with anything. Lock them up already !!
FC Dallas 23 minutes ago
Trump will next be saying Jr. is a low-level volunteer (like Papadopoulos) and that he has meet him (Don junior) (only) once.

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