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Bang Arizona (Cộng Hòa) hôm nay giở trò kiểm phiếu - để làm gì đây?

Subject: ***_Bọn_Cộng_Hòa_bang_Arizona_** _ĐANG_GIỞ_TRÒ_**
From: Mike Wilson
Date: Mon, April 26, 2021 7:55 am

Đảng Cộng Hòa bang Arizona đang giở trò đếm lại phiếu tại quận hạt Maricopa lớn nhất bang, với 2,1 triệu phiếu, nơi Trump đã thua !

Trò này cầm đầu bởi Doug Logan, theo thuyết âm mưu vô chứng cớ. Nó làm chủ công ty tư vấn Cyber Ninjas (Mật Vụ Mạng) đặt tại Florida, không có kinh nghiệm về hoạt động bầu cử.

Cuộc kiểm phiếu này :

1. được bí mật bảo trợ (người chi tiền ẩn danh)
2. không có trọng tài,
3. không có sự tham dự của cả hai đảng,
4. không có quan sát viên báo chí,
5. cá nhân nào muốn quan sát, không được phép chụp hình hay ghi chép và chỉ có thể làm một ca 6 tiếng
6. kiểm phiếu bằng tay, mỗi tổ 3 người, gồm các nhân viên công lực, quân nhân, và những người về hưu - do công ty tự chọn, không cho biết đảng tịch là Cộng Hòa hay Dân chủ
7. những người xem là tình nguyện viên, trong đó 70% là đảng viên Cộng Hòa
8. những người kiểm phiếu dùng bút mực màu xanh lơ (blue) mà máy có thể đọc được, nên dễ sửa chữa, thay đổi, gian lận lá phiếu ... Bị phát hiện, họ bị buộc phải dùng bút mực màu đỏ hay xanh lá (green)
9. trong nhiều ngày trước khi kiểm phiếu, một nhóm nhân viên thuộc đài truyền hình địa phương tự do ra vào nơi kiểm phiếu, nơi giữ các lá phiếu và máy đếm phiếu - mà không có ai ai giám sát, ngăn cản

Việc này xảy ra, mặc dù quận Maricopa đã kiểm soát các máy đếm phiếu trước và sau bầu cử, đã xác nhận không máy nào được kết nối mạng internet (không thể bị "hack"), đã mướn hai công ty kiểm toán để chứng nhận không có "phần mềm" nào có lỗi, không có máy nào bị hỏng. Họ cũng đếm kiểm nghiệm một số phiếu mẫu theo đúng qui trình pháp lý của bang Arizona, và không thấy có gì sai sót .

Dầu vậy, bọn Cộng Hòa vẫn muốn bới lông tìm vết, để nhân đó đòi đếm lại lan rộng khắp nước Mỹ, tại những nơi mà thằng trump đã bị
thua đau ...

Để làm gì ?

Để phá đổ hệ thống bầu cử và châm ngòi khủng hoảng, nội chiến ...?

Mike Wilson
đọc, và ghi chép tóm tắt bằng tiếng Việt


Audit continues election conspiracies

Critics say Arizona recount could undermine faith in democracy

Jonathan J. Cooper and Bob Christie

ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOENIX – Months after former President Donald Trump’s election defeat, legislative Republicans in Arizona are challenging the outcome as they embark on an unprecedented effort to audit the results in the state’s most populous county.
The state Senate used its subpoena power to take possession of all 2.1million ballots in Maricopa County and the machines that counted them, along with computer hard drives full of data. They’ve handed the materials over to Cyber Ninjas, a Florida-based consultancy with no election experience that’s run by a man who has shared unfounded conspiracy theories claiming the official 2020 presidential election results are illegitimate.

The process is alarming election professionals who fear the auditors are not up to the complex task and will severely undermine faith in democracy.

"I think the activities that are taking place here are reckless and they in no way, shape or form resemble an audit," said Jennifer Morrell, a partner at Elections Group, a consulting firm advising state and local election officials, which has not worked in Arizona.

Conspiracy theories about the election have proliferated across the country even before President Joe Biden’s victory but have had particular staying power in Arizona, which flipped to the Democratic column for just the second time in 72 years.

Trump on Friday predicted the audit would reveal fraud and would prompt similar reviews in other states he lost.

"Thank you State Senators and others in Arizona for commencing this full forensic audit," the former president said in a statement. "I predict the results will be startling!"

Cyber Ninjas began a manual recount of ballots Friday, a day after Democrats asked a judge to put an end to the audit. The judge ordered the company to follow ballot and voter secrecy laws and demanded they turn over written procedures and training manuals before a hearing Monday on the Democrats’ request. He offered to pause the count over the weekend if Democrats posted a $1million bond to cover added expenses, but the party declined.

On a since-deleted Twitter account, Cyber Ninjas owner Doug Logan used hashtags and shared memes popular with people promoting unsupported allegations casting doubt on Biden’s victory.

Logan insists that his personal views are irrelevant because he’s running a transparent audit with video streamed online.

"There’s a lot of Americans here, myself included, that are really bothered by the way our country is being ripped apart right now," Logan told reporters Thursday night. "We want a transparent audit to be in place so that people can trust the results and can get everyone on the same page."

But Logan refuses to disclose who’s paying him or who’s counting the ballots, and he won’t commit to using bipartisan teams for the process. The GOP-dominated Senate refuses to let media members observe the count. Reporters can accept a six-hour shift as an official observer, but photography and notetaking are prohibited. It would be a violation of journalistic ethics for reporters to participate in an event they’re covering.

The Senate has put up $150,000 for the audit, but Logan acknowledged that’s not enough to cover his expenses. The right-wing cable channel One America News Network has raised money from unknown contributors for the project, and the money goes directly to Cyber Ninjas.

Logan would not commit to disclosing the donors and would not provide an estimate for the total cost of his audit.

Cyber Ninjas plans to have teams of three people manually count each ballot, looking only at the presidential and U.S. Senate contests, which were won by Democrats.

Logan said the counters are members of law enforcement and the military as well as retirees. He would not say how many are Democrats or Republicans and would not commit to ensuring the counting teams are bipartisan.

The process is overseen by volunteer observers. As of a week ago, 70% of observers were Republicans, according to Ken Bennett, a Republican former secretary of state who is serving as a liaison between the Senate and the auditors.

Cyber Ninjas also plans to review ballot counting machines and their data, and to scan the composition of fibers in the paper ballots in search of fakes. It plans to go door-to-door in select precincts to ask people whether they voted. Logan was vague about how the precincts were chosen but said a statistical analysis was done "based on voter histories."

The audit has been beset by amateur mistakes that critics view as evidence the auditors are not up to the task. Hand counters began the day using blue pens, which are banned in ballot counting rooms because they can be read by ballot machines. For days leading up to the audit, a crew from a group of Phoenix television stations, azfamily, had unfettered access to the supposedly secure facility as auditors were setting up equipment and receiving ballots and counting machines.

Election experts said hand counts are prone to errors and questioned a lack of transparent procedures for adjudicating voter intent when it’s not obvious.

Maricopa County conducted a host of pre- and post-election reviews to check the accuracy of voting machines, including a hand count of a representative sample of ballots as required by state law. The county also hired two auditing firms that reported no malicious software or incorrect counting equipment and concluded that none of the computers or equipment were connected to the internet (therefore not vulnerable to hacking)

"We’re going to set up a new norm where we don’t accept the outcome of elections in a free and fair and just democracy, and that is the core of what is at stake here," said Tammy Patrick, senior adviser at the Democracy Fund and a former Maricopa County elections official. "I think that is incredibly, incredibly problematic."

A Florida-based company, Cyber Ninjas, began a manual recount Friday of ballots from Maricopa County, Ariz., a day after Democrats asked a judge to put an end to the audit. Matt York/AP

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