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Có 1634 (1 ngàn 6 trăm ba mươi tư) Lý Do Đạo Ki-Tô Là Sai Lầm


1 ) The Jesus Seminar
2 ) Christian world vs real world
3 ) Hell
4 ) Hitler/Murdered Jews & T. Bundy/Andrew Carnegie
5 ) Evil nature of god
6 ) Failure to return
7 ) Early Christians “dumb”/superstitious
8 ) Borrowed miraculous elements
9 ) Ten Commandments
10 ) Jesus baptized by John the Baptist
11 ) Delayed documentation of gospels
12 ) Jesus purposely confuses outsiders
13 ) Evil spirits/ mental illness
14 ) Polytheism and the trinity
15 ) Shroud of Turin/confirmation bias
16 ) God fails to give a clear message
17 ) Animal rights
18 ) Irony of the ages
19 ) Belief versus actions
20 ) Infant death
21 ) Beginning of life
22 ) Roman bias
23 ) Growing fish
24 ) God equation of the Gospel of John
25 ) Bible contradictions
26 ) Intelligence vs. religious beliefs
27 ) Lazarus and the woman caught in adultery
28 ) Palm Sunday/Good Friday conflict
29 ) Judas
30 ) Roman census
31 ) Passover prisoner release
32 ) Jesus rejected in his own town
33 ) The forged ending to the gospel of Mark
34 ) Resurrection consequences
35 ) Other gospel books
36 ) Too many messiahs
37 ) Two gospels
38 ) Jesus divine theory
39 ) Evolution demarcation
40 ) Tiny drama/ huge stage
41 ) Chosen people
42 ) Ignored scriptures
43 ) Jewish fate
44 ) Book of Revelation & misinterpretation
45 ) Prayer
46 ) Angels
47 ) Heaven as Hell
48 ) Hell as a man-made vs. divine concept
49 ) God’s imperfect plan
50 ) God as a man
51 ) Selective belief in miracles
52 ) Witch trials
53 ) Slavery
54 ) Homosexuality
55 ) Status of women
56 ) Lack of scientific insight
57 ) Splintering
58 ) Other religions
59 ) Secular societies fare better
60 ) Way things happen
61 ) Fictional stories
62 ) Text remains, practice changes
63 ) Lack of sacrifice
64 ) Allowing the holocaust
65 ) Parent in heaven, child in hell
66 ) Herod kills infant children
67 ) God as an infant baby
68 ) Observation of miracles by the Romans
69 ) The changing god
70 ) Circumcision
71 ) Scribes fail to write about Jesus
72 ) Jesus and Noah
73 ) Jesus the racist
74 ) The irrational Jesus
75 ) Jesus’s inconsistency regarding OT law
76 ) God stops inspiring writers 1900 yrs ago
77 ) Disparate writing styles in biblical books
78 ) Flaws in the account of Jesus’s trial
79 ) Blood sacrifice
80 ) Evidence against a soul
81 ) The Black Plague
82 ) Gospel writers fail to fulfill prophecies
83 ) Bible copying errors
84 ) Deliberate scripture fabrication
85 ) Jesus makes false statements
86 ) Jesus condemns kids for cursing
87 ) Jesus admits he is not God
88 ) Fact checking
89 ) Christianity rejects Jesus’s “message”
90 ) Forgetting the feeding of the many
91 ) The temptation of Christ
92 ) Christian morality
93 ) Hypocrisy of the typical Christian
94 ) The illogic of punishing the innocent
95 ) God the struggling author
96 ) God supports sex slavery, polygamy
97 ) Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac
98 ) The unlevel playing field
99 ) Pagan cannibalism
100) Failure of modern Christians to conform
101) Christianity vs. Buddhism
102) Christianity spawns the Dark Ages
103) Biblical marriage
104) A crucial contradiction
105) Christianity discourages adult reason
106) The strange love of an almighty deity
107) Christian god meets criteria of “religion”
108) Faith healing and death
109) Atheists know more about religion
110) Donations to help the poor and needy
111) Catholic child abuse scandal
112) Persecution by Christians
113) Christianity’s record
114) Jesus the hypocrite
115) Transferring guilt to Jews for Jesus’s death
116) Thomas and tyranny of faith
117) Contradictory geneologies
118) New Testament not close to originals
119) Book burning
120) Failed prophecies in the Bible
121) The lies of Christianity
122) Chronology & geography of the bible
123) The existence of intelligent doubters
124) The transfer of punishment
125) Christian morality vs Mohavira
126) God’s overuse of the death penalty
127) Jesus the extortionist
128) Christianity supports torture
129) Many Christ like figures predate Jesus
130) Jesus was not the Jewish messiah
131) Matthew the Rosetta stone of the resurrection
132) People who lived and died before Jesus
133) Christian hate groups
134) Christian apologetics
135) Ann Rice and the transmutation of Christianity
136) Changing inconvenient teachings
137) Mormonism
138) Flip side of Pascal’s wager
139) The unforgivable sin
140) Misuse of personal preference to shape scripture
141) Boy Jesus in the temple
142) Lourdes and wishful thinking
143) Pope Gregory IX, cats, bubonic plague
144) Lack of gradation
145) Relative time
146) Miracles of Jesus were too mundane
147) Sanitizing Bible of mythical creatures
148) Judgement based the timing of death
149) God’s failure to stop deceptive information
150) God fails to manage followers
151) Authors put words in Jesus’s mouth
152) Christianity follows, not leads social change
153) St. Augustine sends unbaptized babies to hell
154) Thousands of religions develop before Jesus
155) Early Christians take over pagan shrines
156) The competition of gods
157) The restricted horizon of Christian followers
158) The naked absurdity of Christianity
159) God punishes people for how they’re born
160) Absence of Earthly advantage
161) Historical inaccuracies in Luke & Acts
162) Religious belief leads to obesity
163) God fails to protect ‘his own’
164) A letter to Dr. Laura
165) Ending the flow of life
166) Near death experiences
167) Bible is used to justify injurious acts
168) God causes violations of the 10 commandments
169) OT and NT disagree on life after death
170) Matthew’s fabricated prophecy
171) Making Jesus human
172) The trilemma failure
173) Persistence of belief, resistance to reason
174) Second coming of science & religion
175) Achievements of science vs religion
176) Information processing overload
177) Science fails to detect signs of the supernatural
178) The crux of the matter
179) Jesus is unknown
180) Jesus avoids danger
181) Paul knew very little about Jesus
182) Jesus prophecy fails about followers
183) Virgin birth invented to convert Romans/Greeks
184) Jesus admits cures are not permanent
185) Jesus divides families
186) Jesus gives horrible marital advice
187) Catholic church practiced castration
188) Christian hypocrisy regarding prayers
189) God’s inconsistent support of Jews
190) God came to Earth and nothing changed
191) Dead sea scrolls and OT problems
192) Christianity values Jesus’s death, not life
193) Historians fail to document resurrection
194) Christians cling to this life
195) Invalid prophecy of Jesus’s birth in Matthew
196) Jesus is silent in the Old Testament
197) Christians and government social programs
198) Christianity has no effect on marital success
199) Christians outnumber atheists in prison
200) God gives conflicting messages through prayer
(continue )

Đó đây

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