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Sự thật về "Bản Ghi Nhớ Tối Mật" mà các Đảng viên Cộng Hòa không ngớt nói về

Subject: *** Devin Nunez- âm mưu với Trump để hãm hại việc điều tra của ông Bob Mueller !!
From: Mike Wilson
Date: Sat, January 20, 2018 1:16 pm

Devin Nunez là đại biểu cộng hòa hạ viện :
nó là đồng chủ tịch ủy ban điều tra Hạ viện về việc Nga-Trump có thông gian hay không.

Thằng này bị bắt quả tang lén qua Nhà Trắng mách lẻo các tin điều tra mà ủy ban này thu lượm được - vì thế, nó phải rút lui khỏi ủy ban điều tra này (recuse himself), vì tội thông đồng với Trump để đối phó với điều tra ...

Chưa hết, sau khi bị "bể mánh" nó còn trâng tráo bịa đặt, cắt xén thông tin với chủ ý bôi nhọ ban điều tra đặc biệt của ông Bob Mueller rằng việc điều tra này là để "trả thù" Trump lên làm TT.

Lập luận này phi lí, vì việc điều tra của FBI dưới quyền ông Comey khởi đầu 4 tháng trước khi thằng Trump lên làm Tổng Thống !!!
- do thằng Papadopoulos khoe với nhà ngoại giao Úc rằng người Nga đã đánh cắp được thông tin về bà Clinton và thông tin này sẽ có hại cho bà Clinton trong thời gian tranh cử !!!

Nó (Nunez) đồng lõa với Fake News (Fox News) để đánh ông Mueller và đòi ông này từ chức, trong khi chúng nó vẫn giữ kín mớ tư liệu do thằng Devin Nunez xào nấu bịa đặt.

Ông Mueller là đảng viên cộng hòa lâu đời, do TT George W. Bush bổ nhiệm làm Giám Đốc FBI, 2001-2013

Ông được Phó Bộ Trưởng Tư pháp Rod Rosenstein bổ nhiệm đặc cách điều tra vụ Nga-Trump - làm vẩn đục bầu cử TT Mỹ 2016, -sau khi thằng Trump tìm cách "dìm xuồng" vụ điều tra này, nhưng không thành, nên y đuổi việc James Comey, GĐ FBI.

Robert Mueller, Former F.B.I. Director, Is Named Special Counsel for Russia Investigation

Khi cuộc điều tra lan rộng, truy tố được 4 tên bộ hạ của Trump, trong đó 2 tên nhận tội và chịu khai báo, "tình nghi" con trai trưởng và con rể của Donald Trump, "truy xét" các liên hệ rửa tiền bất chính giữa Trump và mafia Mỹ, mafia Nga, cộng thêm các liên hệ trước, trong khi và sau khi tranh cử GIỮA TẤT CẢ CÁC BÊN ... thì Trump và đồng bọn trong Quốc Hội quýnh lên, tìm cách đặt điều nói xấu ban điều tra của ông Mueller .

Tổng kết những bịa đặt bóp méo đó nằm trong văn bản không do điều tra chính thức mà thằng Nunez XÀO NẤU rồi nắm trong tay, thậm thụt với bọn Fake News (Fox News) để tuyên truyền bôi nhọ việc điều tra Nga-Trump

Những gì chúng giả mạo, KHI RA NGOÀI ÁNH SÁNG, SẼ BỊ "CHÁY" NGAY !!!

Các thông tin và bình luận bên dưới cho thấy dân Mỹ không ngu
- họ đòi công khai văn bản tư liệu của Devin Nunez -dù bọn vô học "bênh Trump" đang nhắm mắt tin sái cổ, không cần biết những thông tin đang bị dấu nhẹm ấy

Đây là chuyện trinh thám rẻ tiền nhưng có thực của bê bối chính trị Mỹ .



The truth about the new ’top secret’ memo Republicans can’t stop talking about

Yes, please, release the memo.
Aaron Rupar

House Republicans and right-wing media outlets are up in arms about a classified memo purportedly detailing misconduct related to the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign for possible collusion with Russia.

After reviewing it on Thursday, a number of Trump-supporting Republicans flooded the airwaves on Fox News. On Hannity, Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) called for Mueller to be fired, with Gaetz characterizing the special counsel’s investigation as “a lie built on corruption” and akin to “a palace coup.” On Friday morning, Fox & Friends spun the story as “worse than Watergate.”

Meanwhile, Trump supporters like Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI), and Donald Trump Jr. called for the memo to be immediately released to the American public.

House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes has already been involved in discredited efforts to run interference for Trump
According to Lawfare executive editor Susan Hennessey, Rep. Devin Nunes’ (R-CA) fingerprints are all over the FISA memo.

Citing a source with knowledge, Natasha Bertrand of Business Insider

adds that the so-called “Nunes memo” embodies “a level of irresponsible stupidity that I cannot fathom. Purposefully misconstrues facts and leaves out important details.”

But neither Nunes or Trump ever produced any evidence of (Mueller’s) wrongdoing, and their accusations were debunked by congressional sources on both sides of the aisle. With their narrative in shambles, the fact Nunes and the White House had clearly colluded in an attempt to manufacture a scandal led Nunes to announce he was “temporarily”

stepping aside from the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia investigation.

Matthew Miller

✔ @matthewamiller
You can’t think about this Nunes memo without remembering that his last big foray into this territory, the unmasking stunt, was completely fabricated. Credibility matters, and he’s burned his.

In recent weeks, Nunes, Jordan, Gaetz, Hannity, and others have been ceaselessly trying to turn the story surrounding the Trump campaign’s Russia ties into a process story about the origins and nature of the FBI investigation. These Republicans are eager to cast the decision to investigate Trump as political, and prompted by the Steele dossier, which was partially funded by allies of Hillary Clinton.

But we recently learned that the story of the FBI’s investigation begins with Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos telling an Australian diplomat that Russia was in possession of political dirt about Hillary Clinton. What’s more, the investigation began in July 2016 — four months before Trump won the election.

Though Jordan has spent months promoting his Comey/Clinton conspiracy theory on the uncritical programming of Fox News, his claims have not held up under the slightest bit of scrutiny.

Jordan and Hannity are harping on FBI’s process as a way to distract from the story surrounding the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia — the actual thing Mueller is investigating. The new effort to create controversy about the FISA memo represents an extension of that effort.

The memo is not an official work product of the House Intelligence Committee
The FISA memo is not an official work product of the House Intelligence Committee — and it’s not clear how it was produced. According to a Daily Caller reporter, no Democrats have even seen it.

Not only are the origins of the memo unclear, but the question of which members of Congress endorse its findings remains open.

Republicans are using a lot of adjectives but won’t talk about what the memo actually says
Republicans are doing all they can to spread the idea that the memo contains scandalous findings.

But over the course of numerous interviews on Fox News on Thursday and Friday, not a single Republican who has seen the memo said a single thing about its substance or what exactly they find so troubling about it.

There’s nothing standing in the way of the memo being released for public consumption
As National Review reporter Jim Geraghty pointed out on Twitter, there’s absolutely nothing stopping President Trump from declassifying the memo and releasing it for public review.

Jim Geraghty

✔ @jimgeraghty
If this memo is such a smoking-gun bombshell that incriminates Obama, Comey, Mueller, Fusion GPS, etc. … why do we need a #ReleaseTheMemo Twitter campaign? Why isn’t the president declassifying it himself immediately?

Even if Trump elected not to declassify the memo, Republican leaders in the House could do it without any Democratic support. And yet they haven’t, which makes one wonder if Republicans stand to lose more than they would gain from the memo’s public release.

The memo is being pushed by Republicans who have already proven they’re willing to do anything to protect Trump
A number of Republicans who are leading the effort to make a fuss about the memo, including Gaetz and Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), have already called for Mueller to be dismissed.

Others — including Nunes and Jordan — have proven

they’ll stop at nothing in their efforts to defend the president.

danny 23 hr ago

So, the memo was written by Nunes? Isn’t he the guy who has already been discredited by being caught passing info to Trump? He should maybe be trying to do his job that he swore he would do instead of colluding with a traitorous president. Nunes must be looking for a federal prison cell to be his retirement home.

Plus ça change... 21 hr ago

This "report" is the work of Devin Nunes who is not qualified to deal with used toilet paper.

Image result for devin nunes images

Devin Nunez - thằng này không đáng sờ vào "giấy đã chùi đít",
khoan nói đến việc lập tư liệu "dỏm" để làm hại ông Mueller

T 22 hr ago
Here’s the real question: Why aren’t Nunes, Jordan, Gaetz,Desantis, Gowdy elt al - being investigated for obstruction of justice also? Their JOB - Their RESPONSIBILITY - is to - INVESTIGATE THE RUSSIA CYBERATTACK AND THE RUSSIAN /TRUMP COLLUSION ACCUSATIONS - and get to the facts. Several witnesses have SPOON-FED them critical information about TRUMP making money laundering deals with the RUSSIAN MAFIA, ITALIAN MAFIA - and RUSSIAN OLIGARGHS AND CRIMINALS - in back door money laundering illicit/illegal real estate deals - and NONE OF THESE TRAITORS has bothered to INVESTIGATE THE FACTS !!! Why are they not UNDER INVESTIGATION THEMSELVES?

It’s Me Again Margaret 23 hr ago

If trump is 100% innocent, as he claims, why in God’s name are they trying so hard to manufacture evidence that he did nothing wrong, or that someone else did something wrong? Common sense tells me that if all of trumps secrets and crimes come to light, he would be put under the prison instead of in it. Why go to all this trouble and make things worse for him when the truth comes out? IF he did nothing wrong, why not let the investigation run it’s course? Someone please explain this to me because all I can come up with is he is guilty as hell and is doing everything he can to cover it up. Innocent people do not act this way.

Bill 23 hr ago

I’m a liberal Democrat, and I say ’release it.’ Then it will just prove what a fraud and farce Hannity and the tRump defenders are (once again!)

Gman 23 hr ago

Here’s an idea, if it isn’t a confidential memo, just release it and let the public decide. We aren’t as stupid as most lawmakers believe.

Terrence Bass 21 hr ago I don’t care which side you are on.....if you hold up a piece of paper and exclaim how shocking, horrible blah, blah, blah, the information is.....but don’t show it.......its horse manure.

Ejhowe 23 hr ago

FAKE TRUMP TV (from Fake Fox News) - Nice try...

purcell10 23 hr ago

Faux News and the Republicans are doing their best to obstruct justice for Trump. They must be very scared of Mueller.

Joey07 23 hr ago

Talk about DESPERATION... Every attack on Mueller makes it clearer and clearer that Trump and team have EVERYTHING to worry about with respect to the investigation and the evidence it will uncover.

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