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Tại sao Trump phá vỡ hết các di sản của Obama một cách điên cuồng?

Subject: ***_tại_sao_Trump_điên_cuồng_p há_hết_mọi_di_s
From: Mike Wilson
Date: Sun, October 15, 2017 5:44 pm

Sâu tận đáy lòng
Donald J. Trump là kẻ kỳ thị màu da, da trắng trên hết do đó y không thể chấp nhận một Tổng Thống Mỹ da đen khôn ngoan hơn, lưu loát hùng biện hơn, có tri thức hơn y.
Những kẻ sùng tín y giúp y vào Nhà Trắng - họ cũng như y mà thôi . Đáng buồn cho nước Mỹ .
Nước Mỹ không có ổn định chính trị .

Deep down,
Donald J Trump is a racist, a white supremacist
who can never accept a black American president
who is smarter, wiser and more eloquent, more learned than he is .

his cult followers put him in the White House
- they are just the same as he is.
sad for America.
there is no political stability in America.

Trump and the dismantling of Obama's legacy

Washington (AFP) - Brick by brick, the demolition job has begun: since taking office less than a year ago, Donald Trump has launched an all-out assault on the legacy of Barack Obama.

Climate, free trade, health care, immigration, foreign policy -- the 45th US president has set about undoing just about everything done by the 44th.

It's worth noting that each time he buries one of the reforms of the man who sat before him at the "Resolute desk," Trump sounds more like a candidate than a president.
Historian Jeffrey Engel, however, sees no equivalent in recent decades to Trump's systematic application of the simple principle that "if the other guy liked it, it must be bad."

To Engel, the explanation is that Trump's electoral base "never accepted fully Barack Obama as their president."

"There was a move among Obama's opponents to delegitimize him and to say that this man is not really president and consequently anything that he did, Trump's base is ready to get rid of," said Engel, who heads Southern Methodist University's center for presidential history in Dallas, Texas.

"I think that Obama understands that his legacy ultimately will be defined by how America reacts to Trump in the long term and how Trump's successors act," said Engel.

On November 7, 2016, on the eve of the US elections, Obama warned voters "it all goes out the window" if they were to send Trump to the White House.

That attempt to rally Democratic voters now seems prophetic.


BobSacamano 4 hours ago
Obama inherited a crashing economy, exploding deficits, two costly wars (Iraq and Afghanistan), a drastic drop in worldwide respect (due to George W. Bush, with a pair of shoes thrown in his face ! nth-fl), etc. Under Obama we experienced record consecutive months of private sector job growth, a much better economy, lower deficits, the killing of Bin Laden, fewer homeless veterans, fewer soldiers dying in pointless wars, etc. I know that Trump cultists prefer alternative facts but these are actual facts. Obama managed to achieve this despite the Republicans vowing to not work with Obama before he was even sworn in. There were a record number of filibusters afterwards. Republicans played politics rather than help this country dig out of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. It is important to understand this because despite their posturing, conservatives really do hate America. That is why they elected the idiot birther (Donald Trump who kept on doubting Obama's birth in America . nth-fl). Please remember to vote next time and never underestimate the ignorance of conservatives again or their hatred of America.

Glimmer 6 hours ago
Trump reminds me of a jealous child that can’t build a lego set as well as another so he decides to smash it.